1 player needed for 17 million alliance

Phoenix Rising War (prwaw) needs 1 player. We are AW focused (3 x group) but relax on AQ (map 5 x 1, map 3 x 2).

Relatively new group who has been progressing fast. Routinely beat Gold groups in AW and rising in ranks fast. Will be Gold/Platinum soon.

Despite competitiveness in AW, very chill and relaxed overall with a good group of guys who are friendly and easy going

Communication and Friendly personality is key. Must join our Line group. add: carter61 and allergist on Line.

This is a good opportunity to get on the ground floor early. As you know groups like ours rarely have openings once we reach Gold/Platinum. Be a founder and an OG. Enjoy laying the groundwork for a great alliance.

Thanks for reading this and best wishes to you all.



  • GaryagGaryag Member Posts: 522
    I want to chat about me joining I set you a pm on line
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