1 player needed for 17 million alliance

Phoenix Rising War (prwaw) needs 1 player. We are AW focused (3 x group) but relax on AQ (map 5 x 1, map 3 x 2).
Relatively new group who has been progressing fast. Routinely beat Gold groups in AW and rising in ranks fast. Will be Gold/Platinum soon.
Despite competitiveness in AW, very chill and relaxed overall with a good group of guys who are friendly and easy going
Communication and Friendly personality is key. Must join our Line group. add: carter61 and allergist on Line.
This is a good opportunity to get on the ground floor early. As you know groups like ours rarely have openings once we reach Gold/Platinum. Be a founder and an OG. Enjoy laying the groundwork for a great alliance.
Thanks for reading this and best wishes to you all.
Relatively new group who has been progressing fast. Routinely beat Gold groups in AW and rising in ranks fast. Will be Gold/Platinum soon.
Despite competitiveness in AW, very chill and relaxed overall with a good group of guys who are friendly and easy going
Communication and Friendly personality is key. Must join our Line group. add: carter61 and allergist on Line.
This is a good opportunity to get on the ground floor early. As you know groups like ours rarely have openings once we reach Gold/Platinum. Be a founder and an OG. Enjoy laying the groundwork for a great alliance.
Thanks for reading this and best wishes to you all.