Can't find a match for AW

I'm a leader of my alliance and we are GOLD1 and we tried to start AW at 4:45 And we let it run 1 hour and 25 mins and stopped it once and restarted and it's almost 7:00 PST now and still running so that means we will miss 1 AW this season due to this and I'm not happy as as a lot of my guys are not what's going on with thid issue?
During season 2, my alliance ran 1 BG wars and it was VERY difficult to find wars by the end thanks to a high War Rating. It wasn't strange to take 2+ hours to find a match. While we were able to find matches for the first two wars of the week, the matchmaking took so long (despite starting matchmaking as soon as possible) that a third war of the week usually wasn't found.
During season 1, this problem happened to a top alliance and Kabam intervened, manually giving them points to keep them competitive.
Our alliance posted here several times and collectively sent in about 25 support tickets to ask for help. Out of all the tickets, we received zero customized responses. They were all canned responses that went on about explaining how matchmaking works (we already knew) and suggesting that we start matchmaking earlier (we started in the first 30 seconds of it being available every time). It was NOT helpful. We spent all of Season 2 in Gold 1, Tier 2/3 and won all but one matchup. However, since missing a war is roughly equal to losing 3 in a row, thanks to faulty matchmaking, we slid into Gold 2 by the end after the final war wasn't found. Overall we missed out on 5 or so wars during the season.
My recommendation to you is to somehow switch to 3 BG wars if you care at all about Season Rewards in AW. Either get some more recruits to run 3 BG's or head to an alliance that already runs them. Based on my personal experience, I wouldn't count on Kabam helping you out.
It seems that 3BG followed by 1 BG are significantly easier then 2 BG wars