Assassin Mastery is broken!

Assassin Mastery is not working anymore. Yesterday I had 4/5 in Assassin and it was working fine. Today I maxed out Assassin and it now has the OPPOSITE effect. I’m in arena and when under 18% health it now takes MORE hits to get them KO’d. It was 2-3 hits. Now it’s 5-8 hits.
Using the number of hits is pretty meaningless as an indicator in this case. There are too many variables (attack rating, armor rating, class relationships, etc.).
Do you know the damage your strikes caused before and after the 18% health threshold?
To confirm. Duel the same champ in duel mode and use the same champ and see if it works or not. Arena and variating champs aren’t correct measures
Again, you have to look at the damage being dealt. Don't look at the combo meter. Don't look at the health bar. Look at the actual damage you're inflicting.
If you look at anything other than the damage being dealt per strike, you can't account for varying health pools, various armors and resistances, or critical hits.
In your example, I'd hazard a guess and say that the strikes that caused 20% to 40% damage are critical strikes whereas the 2%-4% strikes were not critical. Where are you fighting, anyway? 40% damage per hit is very uncommon unless you're using strong champs and running through early content. You likely won't do 40% damage per strike in arena, war, or AQ.
Sure, but you said that your normal hits are taking anywhere from 20% to 40% health from the opponent. That means you're knocking out enemies in 3-5 hits. My point is, either you're doing very easy content, or you're exaggerating at least a little.
In either case, you still haven't mentioned anything about the numerical damage you're seeing on screen. Does this mean your problem is solved?