Cool ideas that should be implemented into the game

Marineag15Marineag15 Member Posts: 1
edited July 2017 in Suggestions and Requests
1. This I basically already in the game but maybe each character can have different costumes and each costume had different abilities and unique powers like the venom Spider-Man but instead of just the costume change so should the powers and abilities. Examples could be like iron man has a whole lot of different armor that could be put into the game.
2. The new venom-verse comic that just recently came out could be an event quest and come out with all the characters as their own unique symbiotes with their own unique styles.
3. Easier ways for people to get different characters. I have spent a lot of money into the game to get new crystals but i rarely get a new character I keep getting the same and I bet other people have gone through the same ordeal.
4. Also easier ways to earn stuff for when you gain a level. Like you need mastery equipment to open certain skills on the skill tree.


  • xion360xion360 Member Posts: 88
    Instead of new stuff like that one thing I wish I would see implemented into the game is to give leaders the abilities to assign a BG slot to a member instead of giving the members free reign on joining whichever BG they want also when doing less than 3BG wars giving the leader the option to include whichever BG orBGs he wants like if 1 and 3 have 10 members in the alliance but BG 2 is missing 6 members he can do a two BG war and exlude BG2 from participating until members are found. This is something I've wanted to see for a long long time, also cuts down on members joining the wrong BG by mistake. Since a lot of Alliances have their BGs and paths assigned and laid out this would help cut down on the amount of mistakes leaders and officers have to deal with week in and week out.
  • GunzoGunzo Member Posts: 719 ★★
    Make champions that aren't reskins, like the new Spidey for example
    Spiderman Stark enhanced: Good
    BP CW: Good
    Blue Team Cyclops: No!
    Marvel Now Magneto: No!
    Symbiote Spidey: No!

    No more reksins!!!!
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