Fix the game. Then worry about new content

Vincew80Vincew80 Member Posts: 196 ★★
I may get flagged for being non constructive & honestly don’t care at this point but I really think most the player base would rather have a stable & playable game than seeing more new content. Each update just adds more problems to a game that’s already plagued with them. It’s to the point of being completely unplayable to me. I typically try to take some of the more difficult paths in aw.. now I’m forced to take the easy ones & hoping like hell I can survive the inevitable hits I’m gong to take.

Can’t parry, can’t evade, screen lagging out, blocks releasing while holding block & getting hit with specials while I’m in the middle of a combo. I’m sure I’ve forgot some but I think it gets my point across. Fix the game or this is one end game player that’s calling it quits. No amount of new champs or content can overcome the frustration of playing like this.


  • RajutedaRajuteda Member Posts: 565 ★★
    Totally agree..its really unplayable with the new update unless they dont tweak the code everytime
  • DrBruceWayneDrBruceWayne Member Posts: 1,267 ★★★★
    Agreed completely, quality over quantity.
  • NihungNihung Member Posts: 108
    @Kabam Miike

    Most of us experience the below:

    1. Slowdowns.
    2. Lag in the beginning of the fight.
    3. Extreme lag and stalls when trying to open crystals, freezes, champion portrait disappearers so does energy information which persists even after navigating away from the game.
    4. Getting disconnected when moving to other apps.
    5. Crashing
    6. Network connection issues
    7. Slow movement when navigating maps
    8. Long loading times when checking champions, portrait of champions load slow, when checking them and switching between them it has a small spinning circle for a but before they load and slowdowns when scrolling down champions
    9. Slow loading on home screen
    10. Slow start up
    11. Champions refusing to move properly
    12. Getting specials blocked at alarming clip
    13. Other champions still appearing in information screen

    My suggestion in Kabaam take about a month out and not release any new content until the lag issues are fixed. A lot of people from my Alliance and others are going to quit over this! So Kabaam, do the right thing! Maybe even take the game down...but please please fix the issues that is making this game unplayable!
  • acpacp Member Posts: 67
    Good luck.
  • klobberintymeklobberintyme Member Posts: 1,687 ★★★★
    Nihung wrote: »
    @Kabam Miike

    Most of us experience the below:

    1. Slowdowns.
    2. Lag in the beginning of the fight.
    3. Extreme lag and stalls when trying to open crystals, freezes, champion portrait disappearers so does energy information which persists even after navigating away from the game.
    4. Getting disconnected when moving to other apps.
    5. Crashing
    6. Network connection issues
    7. Slow movement when navigating maps
    8. Long loading times when checking champions, portrait of champions load slow, when checking them and switching between them it has a small spinning circle for a but before they load and slowdowns when scrolling down champions
    9. Slow loading on home screen
    10. Slow start up
    11. Champions refusing to move properly
    12. Getting specials blocked at alarming clip
    13. Other champions still appearing in information screen

    My suggestion in Kabaam take about a month out and not release any new content until the lag issues are fixed. A lot of people from my Alliance and others are going to quit over this! So Kabaam, do the right thing! Maybe even take the game down...but please please fix the issues that is making this game unplayable!

    For those who don't experience these issues, or new users, new content drives revenue. It's reasonable to ask for a game more user friendly to older model/ cheaper phones, especially in the new economics of $1100 iPhones, but blame the added security functions to catch piloting and such for slowdowns before new content freeze.
  • Colonaut123Colonaut123 Member Posts: 3,091 ★★★★★
    Indeed, it is really not fun anymore.
  • Kabam LyraKabam Lyra Member Posts: 2,936 ★★★★
    Hi @Vincew80,

    I'm sorry to hear that you are experiencing performance issues that are negatively affecting gameplay. I understand how frustrating that can be.

    Please know that we are still working on investigations and improvements around game performance and lag. While there may not be a "one size fits all" fix for lag on every device, we do have some improvements on the way that we hope will help some players with the lag experienced in different game modes and the Crystal screen.

    Also, keep in mind that performance improvements and new content are different aspects of game development that both get attention as many of the areas of expertise for these are across varying teams.

    We appreciate your patience and thank you for continuing to play The Contest!
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