Just under 4k prestige summoner looking for VERY active alliance,

Hey guys I'm looking for a very active, organized alliance, that can consistently rank high in AQ, and Alliance events. Any donations and mandatory alliance events score are perfectly fine with me. I would like an alliance that is in tier 7 in AW (might be wishful thinking lol)
I have 19 4*, 5 of which are r4 5* and can get two of those to r5 but am gonna be trying for Cap ww2 and gwenpool, so I'm hoarding in the hope of ranking them up.
Yah so if anyone needs more info or has any other questions msg me on line @Retribution3563, same as my ign. Looking forward to hearing from ya!
I have 19 4*, 5 of which are r4 5* and can get two of those to r5 but am gonna be trying for Cap ww2 and gwenpool, so I'm hoarding in the hope of ranking them up.
Yah so if anyone needs more info or has any other questions msg me on line @Retribution3563, same as my ign. Looking forward to hearing from ya!
