Parry and Evade issues in Event Quest

Is anybody else experiencing any problems in the September Event Quest? Parry and Dexterity masteries are not working around 50% of the time. Block works, but doesn't trigger parry every time when it should be doing so. Swiping back to evade an attack is also not always having an effect a lot of the time. So far, seems to be specifically when swiping back while holding block. I noticed it after the Mystic Dispersion / Dexterity masteries were adjusted, so that seems a logical point to start trouble shooting?


  • S4ndm4n_EnterSS4ndm4n_EnterS Member Posts: 35
    I am now also getting attacked through my block sporadically, as if I wasn't blocking. The same thing that Domino did when she was first released. Confirmed this with one other person so far, having the exact same issues
  • ButtehrsButtehrs Member Posts: 7,107 ★★★★★
    It's not just event quest. Its everywhere
  • S4ndm4n_EnterSS4ndm4n_EnterS Member Posts: 35
    Super fun times. Luckily it's not like Uncollected Emma has a 13k base attack or anything like that...
  • S4ndm4n_EnterSS4ndm4n_EnterS Member Posts: 35
    Dorky Dave chose the right time to make videos about not using parry...
  • Maat1985Maat1985 Member Posts: 2,412 ★★★★
    sounds like lag.....
    causing you to feel like you parry timing is correct when infact it is not....
    same as dex... lag will cause you to think you have dexed but actually you have been too slow and get hit.....

    i dare say nothing to do with masteires... the same lag that there a multiple threads about from android users

    please find this thread and comment there. no need for a new one
  • weavileweavile Member Posts: 288
    it's lag like once every 8-9 time I evade Emma sp1 I miss the timing for 0.1 milliseconds and die
  • M1k0rinM1k0rin Member Posts: 605 ★★
    I smell another compensation
  • Webby72Webby72 Member Posts: 259 ★★
    I’d say you’ve got something wrong with your nose, @M1k0rin but we can all hope!
  • Mike12867Mike12867 Member Posts: 477 ★★★
    Yes definitely, this months EQ is so laggy and bugged, perhaps intentionally. I took out Emma easily but missing dex + parry on Omega and even fights prior such as Domino or Drax.... Total BS and Kabam has yet to comment
    When someone steals $45k worth of virtual, made-up pixels, they are immediately banned. But when normal F2P players find issues, they take weeks to be addressed, if at all

    @Kabam Valkyrie @Kabam Miike
  • S4ndm4n_EnterSS4ndm4n_EnterS Member Posts: 35
    edited September 2018
    No guys, I understand the lag situation, but I was just now in 3 different fights where my attacker is holding block, you can see the block stance, but then it just gets ignored by either a medium or a special. As if I had stopped holding down block, although I didn't. I'm gonna try to make a plan to record a video of it, but it's not consistent, so it's difficult to pin down if there's a common theme underlying the problem. It's very frustrating.
    The evade problem presents itself the same way a dash back would, if you were attacked by a medium hit, but didn't have any points in dexterity - the champ starts moving back but then gets hit by something that would not have made contact usually.
  • Mike12867Mike12867 Member Posts: 477 ★★★
    No guys, I understand the lag situation, but I was just now in 3 different fights where my attacker is holding block, you can see the block stance, but then it just gets ignored by either a medium or a special. As if I had stopped holding down block, although I didn't. I'm gonna try to make a plan to record a video of it, but it's not consistent, so it's difficult to pin down if there's a common theme underlying the problem. It's very frustrating.
    The evade problem presents itself the same way a dash back would, if you were attacked by a medium hit, but didn't have any points in dexterity - the champ starts moving back but then gets hit by something that would not have made contact usually.

    That evade thing happened to me....used my Corvus against Domino and tried evading her grenade from SP1, got clipped for 85% of my HP on R5 4* Corvus.... I have never messed up her specials, her specials are easy to evade and pretty sure its not my timing at all
  • Mike12867Mike12867 Member Posts: 477 ★★★
    AND to top it off, I never have any lag in arena (which I always do before going to EQ) but when I enter the quests, there is massive lag
  • S4ndm4n_EnterSS4ndm4n_EnterS Member Posts: 35
    Mike12867 wrote: »
    No guys, I understand the lag situation, but I was just now in 3 different fights where my attacker is holding block, you can see the block stance, but then it just gets ignored by either a medium or a special. As if I had stopped holding down block, although I didn't. I'm gonna try to make a plan to record a video of it, but it's not consistent, so it's difficult to pin down if there's a common theme underlying the problem. It's very frustrating.
    The evade problem presents itself the same way a dash back would, if you were attacked by a medium hit, but didn't have any points in dexterity - the champ starts moving back but then gets hit by something that would not have made contact usually.

    That evade thing happened to me....used my Corvus against Domino and tried evading her grenade from SP1, got clipped for 85% of my HP on R5 4* Corvus.... I have never messed up her specials, her specials are easy to evade and pretty sure its not my timing at all

    Exactly this, I've had it from Magneto, UC, Emma, NC, WS, and a few others I can't remember now. It only started after we got our MD refund, so that's why I'm thinking it has something to do with the masteries.
    8k Massacre sent a special2 my way, straight through my block, took almost 10k health. That, however, has happened more than once with different champs in different game modes.
  • S4ndm4n_EnterSS4ndm4n_EnterS Member Posts: 35
    Mike12867 wrote: »
    AND to top it off, I never have any lag in arena (which I always do before going to EQ) but when I enter the quests, there is massive lag

    For me, there was massive lag on android nougat until v19.1, since then it has been smooth sailing.
  • Mike12867Mike12867 Member Posts: 477 ★★★
    Mike12867 wrote: »
    AND to top it off, I never have any lag in arena (which I always do before going to EQ) but when I enter the quests, there is massive lag

    For me, there was massive lag on android nougat until v19.1, since then it has been smooth sailing.

    I never had terrible lags on this game, but became more frequent after domino monthly update. Still not too bad but occasionally worse! But this one in current EQ is the absoulte worst
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