Rank down tickets!!!

DAM0807DAM0807 Member Posts: 11
How has a second round of rank down tickets not been issued yet??? It's ridiculous that you completely change character and masteries after 2 years and expect that a hand full of rank downs and a couple weeks is sufficient enough to decide what champs are still ok and which are now garbage.... a second round really needs to be issued.


  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,983 ★★★★★
    We had 2 rounds and over a month. That was more than enough time.
  • username92847username92847 Member Posts: 292
    ^^^ a month is enough time?
    THAT is a matter of opinion.
  • ThawnimThawnim Member Posts: 1,461 ★★★★
    ^^^ a month is enough time?
    THAT is a matter of opinion.

    Technically it was 2 weeks and then another 4 weeks after that. If you couldn't figure it out how is that Kabam's fault?
  • SirnoobSirnoob Member Posts: 952 ★★★
    Thawnim wrote: »
    ^^^ a month is enough time?
    THAT is a matter of opinion.

    Technically it was 2 weeks and then another 4 weeks after that. If you couldn't figure it out how is that Kabam's fault?

    Because there is never enough time and people will always try and find a excuse for that
  • ThawnimThawnim Member Posts: 1,461 ★★★★
    Sirnoob wrote: »
    Thawnim wrote: »
    ^^^ a month is enough time?
    THAT is a matter of opinion.

    Technically it was 2 weeks and then another 4 weeks after that. If you couldn't figure it out how is that Kabam's fault?

    Because there is never enough time and people will always try and find a excuse for that

    By the way I say that even as someone who messed up and did not rank down DS at that time. So, don't think I wouldn't love more tickets too.
  • TaxTax Member Posts: 105
    Rank down tickets should be an option for one simple reason - they make the game more fun. Without a doubt there are some champs that are more powerful than others, but even if you have the 'optimal' champs ranked up (and honestly I believe I'm pretty close for what I have), I'd still use rank down tickets because I get very bored of using the same 'optimal' champs. If I knew I had the option to acquire, through purchase or otherwise, a rank down ticket on occasion, then I'd switch my champs up for variety and have more fun.

    I don't care that there were originally granted as compensation. I don't care that the top 10 alliances could get stronger. I want to have as much fun with the game as possible with MY team.

    I don't understand at all the concept that 'you should save for the best champs' that everyone always responds with. How is waiting 5 months for something more enjoyable? Do that many people playing this game really get off on delayed gratification?

    If you want some penalty associated with using tickets, then just have them refund cats and not ISO or gold.
  • bryndenriversbryndenrivers Member Posts: 443 ★★
    Every few months rank down tickets should be available just for the simple reason of switching it so people don't get bored. If kabam does them again I hope they don't attach a ridiculous price to them, like 5 rank down tickets for 99.99. 10 of each 3,4,5* for 19.99 is reasonable. Let me know if you guys think my pricing is accurate, is it to high? Or is it 2 low? Or is it just Right? Thanx
  • username92847username92847 Member Posts: 292
    BEST Champs.
    Best team.
    Keeping game fun.

    Those are all good reasons
    & i dislike admitting this,
    but my reason now, is HATRED.....

    Until VERY recently, I wanted RDTs for ALL those top reasons,
    But I finally squirled together enough,
    & got the 1 solid team, i been wanting, to tackle endgame stuff..

    But, there's 1 champ i despise, cause its sipmly a waste of t4cc's...
    Not gonna say who, cause i dont need the
    "Well, u just dont know how to use em"
    Argument. ....

    But EVERY DAY, i log in to see a chump wasting t4cc's.....& i cant stand it...

    So, everyday,.... i want RDTs

    Even thought about selling the chump,
    Just so i dont have to see em,
    But i invested 80 stones to get em x99.

    & selling only gives me slightly more shards, then if i dup him ..... ever.

    So, i live with the HATRED.

    RDTs will fix that.
  • AamirsymAamirsym Member Posts: 3
    i think we had enough time for those tickets
  • username92847username92847 Member Posts: 292
    edited July 2017
    Again, that's a matter of opinion....

    Honestly surprised, i haven't seen 1 guy post about being a accountant & not having enough time to utilize RDT's during last few weeks of tax season. ...

    maybe that shows accountants dont play this game? ... I wonder why that would be? ..Are accountants too smart or simply dont like things, that dont add up favorably?
  • DAM0807DAM0807 Member Posts: 11
    edited July 2017
    In my personal opinion. The time given wasn't enough to determine how trash some characters became. The amount of rank down tickets wasn't the problem. Just simply the amount of time we had to use them. Maybe for the guys who have the time to play for hours a day, sure, it was enough time for them. But for guys like me who love this game, but have to squeeze it into a work, family and social life. It wasn't enough time.
  • CammonRoCammonRo Member Posts: 377 ★★
    edited July 2017
    I personally think Kabam should automatically issue champion specific rank down tickets for all summoners who have champs at 5/50 or 3/45 or higher that have confirmed bugs that will not be fixed within a single release cycle.
  • username92847username92847 Member Posts: 292
    CammonRo wrote: »
    Kabam should automatically issue champion specific rank down tickets for all summoners who have champs at 5/50 or 3/45 or higher that have confirmed bugs that will not be fixed within a single release cycle.

    That's over half the champs,....
    Its easier for kabam to just issue more generic RDTs.

    DAM0807 wrote: »
    In my personal opinion. The time given wasn't enough to determine how trash some characters became. The amount of rank down tickets wasn't the problem... but for guys like me who love this game, but have to squeeze it into a work, family and social life. It wasn't enough time.

    TOTALLY AGREE....i had 4 tickets expire, before i could use em all.
    (& I didnt know RDTs expired,
    1st thing in morning, on last day)
  • MyTaffyMyTaffy Member Posts: 144
    Weird, instead of rank down tickets why do not people ask for more Cats? 4* class cats, 4* basic cats so they can rank up more champions? Personally I rather to have those instead of Rank down tickets.

    Even if the champion is useless as other claimed, it it still useful in arena.
  • CammonRoCammonRo Member Posts: 377 ★★
    MyTaffy wrote: »
    Weird, instead of rank down tickets why do not people ask for more Cats? 4* class cats, 4* basic cats so they can rank up more champions? Personally I rather to have those instead of Rank down tickets.

    Even if the champion is useless as other claimed, it it still useful in arena.

    Because that sounds like asking for too much and we're trying to be reasonable. The ability to transfer expensive hard earned resources to other non-bugged champs seems reasonable. T4C/T2A are such rare commodities. It is completely disheartening to find that the champ you've invested so much in to doesn't work like they are supposed to. It diminishes the entire gaming experience. It does for me anyway.
  • QwertyQwerty Member Posts: 636 ★★★
    because there aren't supposed to be free do-overs.

    you made a choice with your rankings and you have to deal with the outcome of that.

    also, RDTs weren't given as compensation. they were given out as adjustment packages such that you could test different things out. if you messed up, that's on you.
  • CammonRoCammonRo Member Posts: 377 ★★
    Qwerty wrote: »
    because there aren't supposed to be free do-overs.

    you made a choice with your rankings and you have to deal with the outcome of that.

    also, RDTs weren't given as compensation. they were given out as adjustment packages such that you could test different things out. if you messed up, that's on you.

    We made a choice for our top champs to be bugged??? LOL
  • CoatHang3rCoatHang3r Member Posts: 4,965 ★★★★★
    Looks like they broke down and started issuing RDT's to those who are still crying over personal choices. They also function as wipes for your tears. Here is a screen grab with thier updated look, I think they come in boxes of like 100 or something.
  • HULK_BREAKHULK_BREAK Member Posts: 374
    They never come back...
  • QwertyQwerty Member Posts: 636 ★★★
    CammonRo wrote: »
    Qwerty wrote: »
    because there aren't supposed to be free do-overs.

    you made a choice with your rankings and you have to deal with the outcome of that.

    also, RDTs weren't given as compensation. they were given out as adjustment packages such that you could test different things out. if you messed up, that's on you.

    We made a choice for our top champs to be bugged??? LOL

    which one of your top champs that you use are bugged to the point where you'd rank them down?
  • CammonRoCammonRo Member Posts: 377 ★★
    Daredevil at 5/50 sig 99 - whiffs all the time. I stopped using him in AQ because of it. I would rank him down while they fix him. And rank him back when they are done.

    Beast at 5/50 sig 99 - often does not trigger acrobatic mode when I need it the most. I would rank him down while they fix him and rank him back when they are done.

    If they get fixed tomorrow I'm cool. But these bugs have been in the game for MONTHS.
  • CrusherOfDreamsCrusherOfDreams Guest, Member Posts: 1,370 ★★★
    CammonRo wrote: »
    Kabam should automatically issue champion specific rank down tickets for all summoners who have champs at 5/50 or 3/45 or higher that have confirmed bugs that will not be fixed within a single release cycle.

    That's over half the champs,....
    Its easier for kabam to just issue more generic RDTs.

    DAM0807 wrote: »
    In my personal opinion. The time given wasn't enough to determine how trash some characters became. The amount of rank down tickets wasn't the problem... but for guys like me who love this game, but have to squeeze it into a work, family and social life. It wasn't enough time.

    TOTALLY AGREE....i had 4 tickets expire, before i could use em all.
    (& I didnt know RDTs expired,
    1st thing in morning, on last day)

    I literally didn't get to use ANY before they expired. I was planning on waiting for some more inevitable bugs that would ruin champs, like Whiffing did to Gamora, who I'd rank down.
  • QwertyQwerty Member Posts: 636 ★★★
    CammonRo wrote: »
    Daredevil at 5/50 sig 99 - whiffs all the time. I stopped using him in AQ because of it. I would rank him down while they fix him. And rank him back when they are done.

    Beast at 5/50 sig 99 - often does not trigger acrobatic mode when I need it the most. I would rank him down while they fix him and rank him back when they are done.

    If they get fixed tomorrow I'm cool. But these bugs have been in the game for MONTHS.

    it's unfortunate about those bugs, but i can't say that warrants the kind of effect issuing RDTs would have on the game. but that's just my 2 cents.
  • QwertyQwerty Member Posts: 636 ★★★
    CammonRo wrote: »
    Kabam should automatically issue champion specific rank down tickets for all summoners who have champs at 5/50 or 3/45 or higher that have confirmed bugs that will not be fixed within a single release cycle.

    That's over half the champs,....
    Its easier for kabam to just issue more generic RDTs.

    DAM0807 wrote: »
    In my personal opinion. The time given wasn't enough to determine how trash some characters became. The amount of rank down tickets wasn't the problem... but for guys like me who love this game, but have to squeeze it into a work, family and social life. It wasn't enough time.

    TOTALLY AGREE....i had 4 tickets expire, before i could use em all.
    (& I didnt know RDTs expired,
    1st thing in morning, on last day)

    I literally didn't get to use ANY before they expired. I was planning on waiting for some more inevitable bugs that would ruin champs, like Whiffing did to Gamora, who I'd rank down.

    that's on you then. there were clear messages on when they would expire.
  • CrusherOfDreamsCrusherOfDreams Guest, Member Posts: 1,370 ★★★
    Qwerty wrote: »
    CammonRo wrote: »
    Kabam should automatically issue champion specific rank down tickets for all summoners who have champs at 5/50 or 3/45 or higher that have confirmed bugs that will not be fixed within a single release cycle.

    That's over half the champs,....
    Its easier for kabam to just issue more generic RDTs.

    DAM0807 wrote: »
    In my personal opinion. The time given wasn't enough to determine how trash some characters became. The amount of rank down tickets wasn't the problem... but for guys like me who love this game, but have to squeeze it into a work, family and social life. It wasn't enough time.

    TOTALLY AGREE....i had 4 tickets expire, before i could use em all.
    (& I didnt know RDTs expired,
    1st thing in morning, on last day)

    I literally didn't get to use ANY before they expired. I was planning on waiting for some more inevitable bugs that would ruin champs, like Whiffing did to Gamora, who I'd rank down.

    that's on you then. there were clear messages on when they would expire.

    Yeah, I looked it up afterwards, but I don't see why they had to expire. What would be the harm in letting us have a few until we need them?
  • QwertyQwerty Member Posts: 636 ★★★
    Qwerty wrote: »
    CammonRo wrote: »
    Kabam should automatically issue champion specific rank down tickets for all summoners who have champs at 5/50 or 3/45 or higher that have confirmed bugs that will not be fixed within a single release cycle.

    That's over half the champs,....
    Its easier for kabam to just issue more generic RDTs.

    DAM0807 wrote: »
    In my personal opinion. The time given wasn't enough to determine how trash some characters became. The amount of rank down tickets wasn't the problem... but for guys like me who love this game, but have to squeeze it into a work, family and social life. It wasn't enough time.

    TOTALLY AGREE....i had 4 tickets expire, before i could use em all.
    (& I didnt know RDTs expired,
    1st thing in morning, on last day)

    I literally didn't get to use ANY before they expired. I was planning on waiting for some more inevitable bugs that would ruin champs, like Whiffing did to Gamora, who I'd rank down.

    that's on you then. there were clear messages on when they would expire.

    Yeah, I looked it up afterwards, but I don't see why they had to expire. What would be the harm in letting us have a few until we need them?

    they're extremely powerful items. while there are a handful of people who don't care about the prestige race, the prestige race affects everything in this game.

    imagine people swapping their 4/55s to manipulate team prestige. then those teams would get more t4cs from AQ, which means more 5/50s for arena, which means more QQ about the cut offs, and more QQ about wanting harder content and so on and so forth.

    i love the idea of RDTs, i really do and i wish i had some more, but frankly, to make them part of the game would be destructive to the game as a whole, in my opinion.
  • DAM0807DAM0807 Member Posts: 11
    Never has my arguement been so prevalent! With this giant middle finger kabam gave us they call the new AW setup. Now they've taken away any reason for having ranked up defenders!?!?! We should be granted rank down tickets for them murdering defender champs value on top of all the other reasons! Now it's all about variety, not PI. So we've been throwing resources into certain champs just to use them as defenders, only for kabam to swoop in and say, nah, they don't matter anymore. Really on the brink with this game.
  • ThatsausageThatsausage Member Posts: 214
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  • DD2DD2 Member Posts: 309 ★★★
    The problem is AW. Rank down tickets won't solve anything. They never do!

    If a fundamental aspect of the game is throwing everything out of whack (diversity in AW, challenger rating nerfing rosters when 6*s come out), you can't fix the situation by throwing everyone a few rank down tickets. It's like plugging a leak with a bandaid. It won't do anything.

    You need a PROPER overhaul of the system to fix this, a few rank down tickets won't do anything.
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