Alliance Leaders

Kabam, y'all should allow leaders to make necessary changes, when there's an issue with the alliance.
1. move members around who join the wrong BATTLE GROUPS for alliance war
1. move members around who join the wrong BATTLE GROUPS for alliance war
1. Power to veto the defensive champions that your members put in.
2. Make changes to the battlegroups, ie add remove members.
3. When a person is withdrawn we should be able to to remove them if attack phase didn't start yet.
4. Have their own chat line in game
Great idea. this has been asked before along with some other awesome ideas.
careful asking for good ideas like this that make it easier for alliance leaders.
people will just shut you down around here saying you are stupid and just need to get a better alliance and better members...
people dont want life to be easier for others....
its like they feel if things are made easier then it ruins their chances of getting good rewards.....
Trust me, I've ran into those type of people a thousand times on this forum... everything is stupid or dumb to them... I just laugh at them like "yeah whatever, lol"
The ask would be to remove players from bgs, either as an option per player (not allowed currently) or a function of the leader, and then insert players into a bg once that's done, which in theory would just be the player re-entering the correct bg (or not).
A more interesting option to me would be placing defenders in a pool to be distributed between however many bgs there are, and attack is done based not on where your defenders are, but free choice like aq. Once your defense is set, it's not like you care where you go after that.
I agree
it has to be a longer period than that... (90 days i think) but there is an option in support to contact kabam and have a leader removed from an ally...
if you are in an an ally with an awol leader contact kabam they can help.