I went thru hell to 100% this month's UC quest...

I 100% this UC event quest so I can get enough 6 star shards to open a 6 star crystal, only to get one of the worst champ in DP X force smh. That was very depressing. I'm done with this game. I rolled over 3x CA IW, IM IW and Domino just to land on X force.
If it were an easier UC event quest would pulling the DP be less depressing?
Getting is dpx is much more depressing than you can imagine. I am with op on this one just rework the champs and then put them in crystals so that people don't feel **** by their stupid rng
We'll, 6* take months to pull, so it's natural to feel a little sad about it.
I know I'm saving for my first 6* and a **** one would be really depressing.
I stopped grinding for the meantime, as i pull trash after another.
The burnout is real.
I have a suggestion that will require an entirely separate thread. stay tuned.
what?...srsly, i dont understand...
Are you joking? I can't tell
Well the GPGttM event I got a 4* Rags, 4* Loki dupe and 5* Loki. I haven’t quit yet. I doubt I’m gonna finish Uncollected 100% this time...(lol first UC EQ too rip). It didn’t get hard til EF...she’s no that hard but you just can’t make mistakes...
As for 6*, I got enough for another one this new event quest and pulled Storm ugh. I even waited for the new champs to be introduced and still pulled her. Unduped she’s just going to stay sitting in my roster wasting space and irritating me.
I’d be happy to just be able to trade the 6* Storm for a 5* of my choice, because I already have her as a very duped r4 5*.
I'm with you buddy. Imagine my disappointment at pulling 6 star Karnak after pulling 6 star gg. GG is okay, goes on D. But Karnak is awful. Some would argue that he's good for evaders but then they haven't played him. His true strike lasts hardly 5 seconds which is not enough to get in more than 1 combo. I have Karnak 3 star 4 star 5 star 6 star. Wow. I don't have Medusa to get that synergy by the way. Have her in 4 star.