Beast is my favorite character so maybe I'm biased but on d, he's terrible. Extremely useful for aq and questing in my opinion. The problem with him defending is you have to use his combo properly and ai defenders make no attempt at this.
Beast is a horrible defender. I used to have someone place a max ranked Beast every war and no matter what the node he never got a kill. The problem is that his specials are so easy to evade.
He's terrible on defense to be honest, but maybe if you do put him on defense people haven't fought him for a long time and forgot his moves and may get clipped. Highly unlikely, but it almost happened to Brain Grant before
Yeah I agree beast isn't someone you want on defence, the only thing that annoys me about fighting him is the bleed damage and duration reduction but its unlikely he'd get any decent damage in. Just too easy to avoid like colossus etc.
Forgot about his combo for usefulness.
that might have me.