He needs to be duped. Bring a tech champ for petrify debuff. Now if you have despair, you can bring different champs on caps sig list and reverse heal easier and quicker. He can place weakness and armor break debuffs if you bring a science and cosmic champ respectively. 3 debuffs a parry that way. My 5/50 had uncollected omega down in 24 hits.
I just boosted with a 20% attack and health boost and went at him with SL.
I needed 1 revive.
I tried rank 3 5* sentinel=heal block doesn't last long enough, I got him to 80% with 232 hits
Vision hits like a noodle
I thought I'd give Guillotine a go to reverse his regen but she bleeds him.
I wish I had Vision. Dang. So robots work well against him? I'll probably use Nebula then.
Oh snap. I have him as a 5 star. I'm gonna give him a shot.
If he is duped, you parry and build up petrify debuffs ( you need a tech champ for this)
He needs to be duped. Bring a tech champ for petrify debuff. Now if you have despair, you can bring different champs on caps sig list and reverse heal easier and quicker. He can place weakness and armor break debuffs if you bring a science and cosmic champ respectively. 3 debuffs a parry that way. My 5/50 had uncollected omega down in 24 hits.
I needed 1 revive.
I tried rank 3 5* sentinel=heal block doesn't last long enough, I got him to 80% with 232 hits
Vision hits like a noodle
I thought I'd give Guillotine a go to reverse his regen but she bleeds him.
SL was by far the best option for me