Easiest way to get 800 5* shards?

At the moment I'm at 8200 5* shards and I'm about to complete the heroic monthly quest. I have 33 3* champs and 12 4* champs so it's difficult to grind arena. Also it's difficult to do the danger rooms because most of my 3* champs are only rank 1. So if appreciate it if there is an easier way for someone to recommend it. Thanks!
No because I'll get 1k from the heroic monthly quest which I'm nearly finished with.
I guess u r a new player? Be patient buddy. Does your Alli do war? Possible to get shards from war u know. Or s.a.? Dun need to rush it
What's s.a? Also most of alliances that I get in are pretty inactive so it's hard to do alliance wars.
Ahh okay.
You want to join mine?
Yeah I'm down if your down!