Making Classic Chatacters Perform In A Manner True To Their Abilities

MOAMMOAM Member Posts: 1
I was so pleased that you updated guys like Rhino & Hulk to make them more fun and better to play with and keep them interesting and make them have abilities more consistent with their actual powers and strengths but I feel like some others are desperately in need of similar updates. Classicly Iconic guys like Electro & Magneto & Ghost Rider for example. Electro is made of Electricity. How can you justify him taking shock damage? It should be the opposite. He should experience a power flood when he gets shocked. Magneto should be able to auto deflect bullets at a rate analogous to his level of refraction. It's nothing more than a reflex to him. And Ghost Rider should be burn immune. I mean he is on fire the whole time guys. How does this make any sense? Great job on your dedication to releasing new characters but we still love the old ones and the game would be much more fun to play with if they actually responed a bit more in tune with their natural abilities according to the comics. I can't imagine that it would be so hard to add a few tweaks to chatcaters like this for future updates. Please consider and thanks for the great game...
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