LOL paths

I have done my first path and looking to do a second since I've got plenty of resources in stash. R2 6* Angela will be my main champ and I'm wondering which path I should go for next.

LOL paths 16 votes
I've read about counters such as Blade and AA but I only have them as 5/50s. @Slux83
I'd sai you could do path 7 if you have a DUPED void (4* works too).
You can also handle path 3 but you have to fight MK and the right time to avoid Moon Waxing (double check this) to avoid that he evades like a ****!
Also path 6 is doable but pretty hard!
The map with enigmatic abilities is here
Good luck
I actually skipped the Void arena so I don't have him. @Slux83
I've got over 5k units atm. My Guillotine is currently at 4/40 but I do have a 5/50 AA. Gonna need luck to stack all those neurotoxins. @Slux83
It's called the easy path for a reason. r2 Angela is a horrible misuse of resources.
I personally don't think so since I get everything done pretty easily with her.
Yeah Angela is amazing. She is a great counter to IMIW and Medusa, I wouldn't mind having one of my own.
Umm you shoud be able to solo SL or getting very close to it. The other champs are way way more a pain in the neck! This means your Angela is not a good solution unless you want to waste a lot of units