R4 Corvus?

BonesjuniorBonesjunior Member Posts: 89
Here is my current roster. I don't have any r3 or r4 5* champs yet. I pulled Corvus this past weekend and wondering if I should pull the trigger or just focus on maxing out more 4* that are worthy? Or wait for a better 5* to come along that is God tier? I know he hits like a wet noodle after his glaive charges run out. Also best mode to use him in? We run 55533 Thanks in advance. 0y4xk6ggpz33.jpg



  • jojodeth101jojodeth101 Member Posts: 480
    yes dude wait is it the 5 star you want to take to rank 4 or the four star?
  • BonesjuniorBonesjunior Member Posts: 89
    yes dude wait is it the 5 star you want to take to rank 4 or the four star?

    The 5*. I know resources are limited and just wondering if it's really worth it. How much will he truly help me in content? Not sure if he would be best for war or AQ
  • jojodeth101jojodeth101 Member Posts: 480
    watch cowhale he has a five star rank 4 corvus
  • Bdavis_2017Bdavis_2017 Member Posts: 245
    “Wait for a god tier” he is the best war attacker in the game, maybe void on certain paths, rank 4 asap
  • BonesjuniorBonesjunior Member Posts: 89
    watch cowhale he has a five star rank 4 corvus

    Yea I watched his video and when the glaive charges ran out he was hitting for like 400-500 a hit which was my concern for 50ish seconds. I guess that's average?
  • BonesjuniorBonesjunior Member Posts: 89
    “Wait for a god tier” he is the best war attacker in the game, maybe void on certain paths, rank 4 asap

    Ok then I'll trust y'all's judgement. I forget folks in war don't have an outrageous amount of health.
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  • BonesjuniorBonesjunior Member Posts: 89
    zeezee57 wrote: »
    Rank that Corvus and don't look back. He'll be my third R4 when I build up the cosmic cats.

    He has a really PI too I noticed!
  • boss0600boss0600 Member Posts: 76
    I have the 4* r5 and i can get 14k damage on his unblockable sp2 after 2 of his missions are completed. I would definitely r4 him as a 5*. You will not regret it.
  • BonesjuniorBonesjunior Member Posts: 89
    boss0600 wrote: »
    I have the 4* r5 and i can get 14k damage on his unblockable sp2 after 2 of his missions are completed. I would definitely r4 him as a 5*. You will not regret it.

    Time to farm some arenas for gold lol
  • BonesjuniorBonesjunior Member Posts: 89
    Iceman, Corvus and Scarlett Witch will be my new AW team looks like.
  • Saket_123Saket_123 Member Posts: 152
    Corvus. Yes. Definitely yes. My r5 4* with 3 charges active does 30k+ damage everytime with sp2. He is a great champ for AW and AQ as well. Smashes map5 like a pro.
  • WolverDominatorWolverDominator Member Posts: 132
    Corvus yes, yes, yes. No choice.
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  • 10or_Strong10or_Strong Member Posts: 1,204 ★★★
    I have Corvus as an unawakened 5* Rank 3, currently, and he is a god send in AQ, AW Attack, and Quests (both EQ and Story). He is arguably the best counter to Emma Frost, and I have solo'd the Master version of her in the EQ a couple times with him after a few missions completed on the way to her. I'd say AT LEAST rank 3 him, if you want to use some resources to build up a few others, but definitely work him into your plan for this game ASAP.
  • BonesjuniorBonesjunior Member Posts: 89
    Haji_Saab wrote: »
    Do you have t2a expiring? if not, I don't think you should be thinking about r4 but rather building a decent team of 4* 5/50 and 5* r3.

    I only have 4 t2a that I got from 100% act 4. That's been my contemplation too. Iceman, blade, quake, Stark enhanced, Scarlett Witch, Hyperion, x23, wolverine, dormammu are all on the list.
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  • Boot79Boot79 Member Posts: 14
    I've made him r5 and he's a beast, get all 4 missions done and he gets more charges and the missions are easy to get y9hfus8i7aak.jpg
  • BeatleraoBeatlerao Member Posts: 153
    Corvus all the way! I am waiting to rank four him myself just to see if I pull him as a six in November. But then I am going for rank 5 on my five star if I don't. Next to Blade as best in game in my opinion.
  • The_Boss9The_Boss9 Member Posts: 1,390 ★★★
    Corvus is a beast I will admit the first fight before you complete any missions can be slow but after you get just one done he is one of the best attackers
  • The_Boss9The_Boss9 Member Posts: 1,390 ★★★
    I have a r4 5* corvus
  • BonesjuniorBonesjunior Member Posts: 89
    Boot79 wrote: »
    I've made him r5 and he's a beast, get all 4 missions done and he gets more charges and the missions are easy to get y9hfus8i7aak.jpg

    I really hope I can awaken him. I know that helps with the longer fights. But I'm assuming running 55533 and AW he should end fights really fast.
  • 10or_Strong10or_Strong Member Posts: 1,204 ★★★
    An update: I just took my Corvus (not yet awakened) to R4 a few hours ago and I can attest I have no regrets so far. He hits like a Mack Truck, and if you wrack up those missions, it really is a game changer. Definitely hoping to awaken him soon, but even as is, he is proving his worthiness of R4 for sure.
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