Incentive offers

With the revel of such offers, can anyone point out what one needs to do to receive such an offer. Is there a number of days you need to stay away? Or is it based on not spending for a while? I've seen offers ranging from unit deals to flat out crystal give aways. While there is a such a push for making the playing field level with the piloting bans and such. I wonder how level these offers are when only a select few get them. Maybe there are extreme circumstances that lead to these. I'm just trying to figure out how to change my luck, any help or ideas are welcomed.
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Not defending Kabam here...but this "blubberiest whales" theory doesn't make sense. Whales have spent hundreds, if not thousands a month....being gifted an Odin's worth of free units with a 5* crystal isn't going to mean anything to someone that has spent on that level.
With limited time offers there may be different criteria depending on the situation. These vary so there isn't really one thing to do to be included. While I understand that it may be disappointing to not be included this time, in the future there may be other gifts or offers which you may be interested in.