Alliance war season 4 dropped 3 brackets over night?

Has anyone else had this issue when AW season 4 scores went live ? We where in Gold tier 3 now in silver 3 over night. We also lost 300 points off war rating.
I will PM you for more info.
There's two different messages that a leader can get that are slightly different, one is for hacking/ modding and the other is for hacking during the war.
Kabam dropped the hammer on many alliances for both of those today and the op's is one of them, don't bother asking kabam for information they won't tell you squat and will close this thread.
Worst case is to kick 29 peeps to safe your ally. Good luck
This is a game like fb can be demand yo don’t pay us for playing this but and other hand just stop spend money 💰 or don’t participate in your wars so don’t be part of you ()$&@*^% still you stop to try the control the life of the people who like play this game understand the we are human with situations, with family, works, studies, with RESPONSABILITY etc the be part of the alliance is helps one to another to make the missions possibles to all to make posible all finish and complete any quest need to be like alliance Blees up you realy need star for think like a human been