10m / tier 1 aw/ 4900 prestige alliance LF 1

Group of highly skilled fighters. 2/3 alliance has completed LoL. No items used in tier 1 aw. Must be 4800 prestige minimum and no we will not "consider 4200-4600" range. If you're not our minimum we won't consider you at all. Also must be able to handle your lane in tier 1 aw and aq or you'll be removed.
Contact me on line: sjbrewe2
Contact me on line: sjbrewe2
Hero Rating 373K
PI Champs:
5* SL R4 at 40 sig lvl
5* Hood R3 at 40 sig lvl
4* Mordo R5 99 sig lvl
4* Quake R5 40 sig lvl
4* Gwenpool R5 40 sig lvl
12 R5 4*s
3 R3 or better 5*s (storm being the other)
AW Def is (32K def rating):
R3 5* Hood
R5 4* NC Duped sig lvl 70
R5 4* Magik Duped
R3 5* Storm
R5 4* Mordo
You can contact me on line if you like and I can share more if you need. I am one of my ally's boss killers in AQ and generally can hold my own in war (better on right side and working on getting better against stun immune champs).