Rank 3 5 star Gwenpool or Rank 4 5 star Gulk?

Hey guys, should I wait for 1 T2 Alpha to rank 4 my 5 star Gulk, or rank 3 my 5 star gwenpool before that?


  • Saket_123Saket_123 Member Posts: 152
    R4 your 5* Ghulk man. He is great. Rips those mystics into pieces. Good boss killer. I am impressed with mine.
  • SidDDragonSidDDragon Member Posts: 1,183 ★★★
    Gwenpool...gulk is great but gwenpool is a bleed machine and her damage is amazing..
  • 10or_Strong10or_Strong Member Posts: 1,204 ★★★
    I'd say Gulk. He eats Omega Red for breakfast.
  • Noob2435Noob2435 Member Posts: 627 ★★★
    What do you need them for? What's your goal right now?
  • TOXICXXTOXICXX Member Posts: 12
    I need good aw attacker and want to progress in Act 5
  • JC_JC_ Member Posts: 517 ★★★
    Gulk is pretty amazing. I’d r4 him in a heartbeat
  • Clintonwalls101Clintonwalls101 Member Posts: 140
    Gwenpool her bleed is ridiculous
  • GamePlayWorldGamePlayWorld Member Posts: 401
    Gulk bro
  • FhfjghhggggjfhfjgFhfjghhggggjfhfjg Member Posts: 4,492 ★★★★★
  • TOXICXXTOXICXX Member Posts: 12
    Wow, it's pretty even! 3 votes Gwenpool, 4 votes Gulk. I'm kinda leaning towards Gulk, because I don't really find gwenpool 'awesome'. To me she's decent but lacking something, I don't know what though. Plese feel free to tell me why and how gwenpool is amazing. I've put her at rank 2 and Gulk at rank 3. so maybe that's why it doesn't feel powerful. Who knows?
  • TOXICXXTOXICXX Member Posts: 12
    I can't really find a good use for her. Anyone know she would be useful for?
  • ezgoingezgoing Member Posts: 284 ★★
    Once u get GP’s bleed going, she can stun, and if u use SP2, she can enervate and it can keep going so long as you still have bleeds. On a good run, she gets a strong enemy down in super quick time. For bleed immune, her SP3 armor break can dole out decent damage too while it lasts.

    It really depends on your roster to decide your dillemma. I don’t have much use for my R3 Gulk since I have blade for the mystics. He will be used if I need poison immunity though. That said, I have less use for my R4 GP now also because of other champs in my roster. But I never regretted R4-ing her. She’s my first R4, and she helped me thru quests, AW, AQ, etc
  • taojay1taojay1 Member Posts: 1,062 ★★★
    Are either duped? I'm heavily inclined to go with Gwenpool, and definitely so if she is. She has excellent damage output, and once duped becomes a great ability accuracy reducer and can tank specials. Gulk is great, but from my limited experience with his 3 star version, he doesn't seem on par with Gwenpool. He shines in a few matchups such as Dorm, Magik, Omega Red, and Starburst, but otherwise his damage is average. Heal block on the sp1 is ok. Enervate on sp2- Gwenpool does the same, but hers lasts longer and can easily be refreshed. Gulk does have the Smash mechanic, but I can't think of too many situations where that is too useful.

    If Gulk is duped it could be a harder choice, especially since it is to r4. But overall i think Gwenpool is the better champ
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  • ItsTheBroskiItsTheBroski Member Posts: 492 ★★
    Gulk bro, Gwenpool is slowly becoming not needed like she used to be. Just with Blade and Killmonger alone. She's still amazing just not the "best" anymore. Gulk is amazing. Unique as hell too.
  • SidDDragonSidDDragon Member Posts: 1,183 ★★★
    edited September 2018
    Gwenpool is a damage beast...gulk has his uses but gp beats him hands down...she can enervate lock an opponent for the entire fight once u get to an sp2 so u can keep on hammering them in a corner and get to an sp3 and armour break them which effectively doubles her attack...the enervate and armour break combo is ridiculous...my r2 gwenpool does 2k+ mediums against opponents under armour break..so u
    And add to it a future awakening and u get an LOL option who can reduce opponent ability accuracy by 100% in 50 hits of ur combo meter
    And incase u face a bleed immune opponent,u can spam sp1 and keep the incinerate damage going and with her crit rate and damage,it all makes her not a very poor matchup to bleed immunes either
    As I said gulk is amazing but gwenpool is better
  • TOXICXXTOXICXX Member Posts: 12
    thx guys, appreciate it
  • TOXICXXTOXICXX Member Posts: 12
    Also here is my roster, if it helps choosing. ( I'm only a lv 45 noob. Don't Judge!)
    4/40 X23 (unduped), 4/40 Red Hulk (unduped), 4/40 Iceman (unduped), 5/50 Magik (duped), 5/50 AA (unduped), 4/40 Taskmaster (duped) Rank 2 5 star, Gwenpool, Rank 3 5 star Gulk, Rank 2 5 star Doc Oc ( all unduped 5 stars), 4/40 Yondu (unduped) and 4/40 Medusa (duped).
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