2 players needed for 150 mil AQ alliance

We are still looking for 2 genuine players who can turn up for AQ and AW.
We are constantly being let down by players who say they are experienced but then have no clue, get KO in section 1 of Map5 and then don’t drop defence in AW which is costing us gold1 tier points.
YET despite these inconsiderate amateurs we are still completing maps in AQ and AW ...
So if you are able to play map5 / if you are able to hold your own line in AW without messing up ( we all get some ko so I’m not asking for perfection) and you can communicate using LINE and regularly check in to keep things moving along then I really would love you to contact me.
We have 1 solid BG who regularly run map 6 because that’s what they are good at and we have the other 2 BGs running map5 ( which you would be in ) we score 150 mil in AQ and have always been gold 1 with no stress ..
If you would seriously like to be a part of a mature alliance that just gets things done with a minimum of stress then contact me now so you can join before next AQ and enjoy all the juicy rewards that 150 mil brings ..

Our first 3 days AQ as proof of what we can achieve even with players that don’t move ... the mind boggles ... anybody sane and still reading this drop me a message directly
Contact line Id - Turnermators
We are constantly being let down by players who say they are experienced but then have no clue, get KO in section 1 of Map5 and then don’t drop defence in AW which is costing us gold1 tier points.
YET despite these inconsiderate amateurs we are still completing maps in AQ and AW ...
So if you are able to play map5 / if you are able to hold your own line in AW without messing up ( we all get some ko so I’m not asking for perfection) and you can communicate using LINE and regularly check in to keep things moving along then I really would love you to contact me.
We have 1 solid BG who regularly run map 6 because that’s what they are good at and we have the other 2 BGs running map5 ( which you would be in ) we score 150 mil in AQ and have always been gold 1 with no stress ..
If you would seriously like to be a part of a mature alliance that just gets things done with a minimum of stress then contact me now so you can join before next AQ and enjoy all the juicy rewards that 150 mil brings ..

Our first 3 days AQ as proof of what we can achieve even with players that don’t move ... the mind boggles ... anybody sane and still reading this drop me a message directly
Contact line Id - Turnermators