LEGEND TIME ATTACK RUN (for Android users)

Kabam Mike or any other Mod is there any chance that Kabam will consider splitting the titles between iOS and android users? I know everyone has heard this many times, but I really think a solid reply is due. There is no chance an android based user can compete even with the Samsung S8. It is like 4 to 10 more seconds of loading for an s8 than an iPhone 7 per fight. It would be 30 minutes to an hour slower than iOS users. I think 50 legend titles for iOS and 50 for Android users would be fair.
Please consider this for the community.
Please consider this for the community.
When it shows after one week?
I don't want to buy a new phone, and I am besides the speed of the phone I like Android phones better. I am not saying they are better just my preference.