Masteries either REQUIRE detailed explanation , OR NOT BE CHARGED TO reset

I've been playing this game for over 3yrs now and until recently, put up with most of the inconsistencies and issues with the game. For a long time I believed the fact that we're forced to use resources again and again to reset and level up each and every level is just plain absurd and was relieved when I noticed that no longer was the case..... Until today, where once again the need to spend came back without any clue as to why(which is another seperate serious issue thats never been addressed). For the record, the changes were announced here in the forums, but my first visit was just recently after playing for over 3yrs along with many of the players I am priveleged to have met.
It was never stated that visiting the forums is a required task for every player in order to receive important news and updates.
So back to my main concern. There are a number of mastery items we are "CHARGED" resources for utilizing but with no explicit DESCRIPTION of what and how much exactly we are benefitting from along with a couple masteries that are documented as not functioning properly or as first described and seemingly being ignored.
A couple examples would be Pure Skill just not functioning as it had been described, and Energy/Physical resistances which give us a "value" but we have no base value to compare it to. How do we quantify exactly how much 40 or 80 resistance points resist how much damage?? And we're being made to spend units to use them and also again to reset.
Maybe I want to only move a couple points from 1 mastery to another, but have no other choice but to reset, redo, and pay again for each in an entire section?? IMO, its short of being organised crime muscle tactics to squeeze the players at every opportunity.

This really needs to be addressed and dealt with properly, and I truly hope Kabam makes the correct changes necessary.


  • jaylerdjaylerd Member Posts: 113
    It was better when things were percent-based, but the made that FUBAR and you just go based on what you need to get the next thing. Physical resist and block proficiency, big whoop. You get those to unlock other masteries like willpower or deep wounds.
  • Player2018Player2018 Member Posts: 14
    @jaylerd , I totally agree with you. My main concerns are the underlying problem I see with the fact that not only are we made to "pay" for something in essence we already paid EACH TIME we decide to make a change, but we're also not supplied adequate information on those very things we are being asked to pay for repeatedly. Not to leave out the fact that we're "charged" to redo X back to where it already was when we only want to change Y.

    Here's a couple analogies I think would sum it up how I feel about it......

    I went and bought groceries, and as I'm walking out I decide I need to get more milk. When I go back in, I'm being told that I need to pay again for everything I had just purchased along with the extra milk. But I wont be getting double of everything, I just get to keep what I initially bought in the first place.

    Saw a commercial for a lawnmower and went to homedepot to grab one. Being one who likes to know what I'm buying I ask for some details regarding power, efficiency, noise etc..... The reply I recieve is, "oh, its 5hp more than another model, more efficient and less noisy". When I ask the for the specs on the "other model" they reply, "No ones ever seen it or know anything about it".

    If either of those scenarios seem normal to ANYONE, I owe a big apology to Kabam for my ridiculous claims.
  • jaylerdjaylerd Member Posts: 113
    I do think it's dumb to make me put one pathetic payment every time for Lesser Health or whatever it is - the very first defense mastery.

    I would prefer if we could recovery a branch instead of a whole section. So instead of recovering ALL my offensive points, let me recover everything out of the crit branch, or out of the suicide branch, or whatever. Smaller scale recovery.
  • Kade7175Kade7175 Member Posts: 304 ★★
    Its weird to see the masteries trigger in arenas. I notice some players get crazy regen from willpower in the arena and mine are maxed out along with salve maxed and recovery maxed. Then champs like mephisto i see some get 60+% back and i get 40. So yeah the masteries need a serious look into. And as far as the cost. I see that if they made it free all the time it could get abused they want a strategy to it. So to keep the game strategic i see why they charge everytime but i think there should at least be a monthly mastery day where if you can switch it up for free and i feel if you have used any cores esp carb cores you should only be charged gold not units. I have invested 8500units in 3 masteries not to mention when i had to switch and got recharged units to points back so i could switch something. Thats a LOT of units. Almost $300. And thats not including all the cores for parry dex putrify petrify. So gold seems like a dair compromise.
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  • Parodical_Sun1Parodical_Sun1 Member Posts: 143
    Here is my issue with that,I been playing about two yrs have maxed level 60,there is a mastery that increase special damage attack but also take health,what sense does that make? Moving right along, there are special store items which have to be acquired to get certain masteries which is a nuance in itself to either spend real money to get them or crazy amount of units to obtain them. From the looks of it regeneration/recovery and will power happen to be that pricy mastery. I have seen advanced players regenerate 60% of their health in area 3vs3 and in AW. The cutoff of advancing masteries is at level 60 then it have to come to completing certain event quests.
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  • World EaterWorld Eater Member Posts: 3,841 ★★★★★
    Player2018 wrote: »
    I've been playing this game for over 3yrs now and until recently, put up with most of the inconsistencies and issues with the game. For a long time I believed the fact that we're forced to use resources again and again to reset and level up each and every level is just plain absurd and was relieved when I noticed that no longer was the case..... Until today, where once again the need to spend came back without any clue as to why(which is another seperate serious issue thats never been addressed). For the record, the changes were announced here in the forums, but my first visit was just recently after playing for over 3yrs along with many of the players I am priveleged to have met.
    It was never stated that visiting the forums is a required task for every player in order to receive important news and updates.
    So back to my main concern. There are a number of mastery items we are "CHARGED" resources for utilizing but with no explicit DESCRIPTION of what and how much exactly we are benefitting from along with a couple masteries that are documented as not functioning properly or as first described and seemingly being ignored.
    A couple examples would be Pure Skill just not functioning as it had been described, and Energy/Physical resistances which give us a "value" but we have no base value to compare it to. How do we quantify exactly how much 40 or 80 resistance points resist how much damage?? And we're being made to spend units to use them and also again to reset.
    Maybe I want to only move a couple points from 1 mastery to another, but have no other choice but to reset, redo, and pay again for each in an entire section?? IMO, its short of being organised crime muscle tactics to squeeze the players at every opportunity.

    This really needs to be addressed and dealt with properly, and I truly hope Kabam makes the correct changes necessary.

    Pure Skill has been broken since the 12.0 update. Levels 4 and 5 do absolutely nothing.

    Oh, and Inequity has been bugged since January, at least.
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  • Player2018Player2018 Member Posts: 14
    Kade7175 wrote: »

    I can understand your point of view taken from a "Kabam perspective" and would agree that a portion of the game should remain strategic and also that some sort of abuse could possibly come into play.
    But, IMO that Kabam "shot themselves in the foot" and threw that notion out the window the minute they started selling AW boosts, coincidentally not long after they tweaked defender diversity to not play such a major role in wins/losses.
  • Player2018Player2018 Member Posts: 14
    Well, it's been a week since I started this thread, and had hoped by now there would have been some comment, remark, acknowledgment, or explanation by a moderator to clear up my and many others evident misunderstanding and greivances due to being ill-informed.........nothing??

    Is this the state of affairs in a forum designed for discussion, especially towards a topic that deals with issues regarding the use of resources that are either purchased or earned that in one way or another supplement a companies revenues?

    Curious to know what the criteria level of priority for official reply when I read comments by moderators on subjects of "new champ suggestions", "mcu movies", or "memes"
  • RajutedaRajuteda Member Posts: 565 ★★
    Masteries are the new bane..

    I really regret spending on this game

    Feel like an absolute fool
  • MavRCK_MavRCK_ Member Posts: 516 ★★★
    edited October 2018
    Last year I was at Nyc Comic Con and met the cool devs there and we discussed inequity and how great it was with blade. I feel disappointed that all these 1.5+ years inequity mastery has been broken or nonfunctional. I just sent support a request for a refund of the units and cores. I think it’s a reasonable request considering inequity’s expense and duration of nonfunction. I’d like to spend the units on something different or the cores on other masteries like scouter lens.
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