Please fix the disconnection bug

I'm getting more and more frustrated with the disconnection issues after the new update.
When I'm using my android phone to play. Every time I open other apps and return to the game app, the game got disconnected. Every time i will need to restart the game app when I go to check my alliance chat.
When I'm using my iPad mini, it gets disconnected randomly. Recently I had disconnection when I just started an AW fight. Lost one attack bonus and had to use items to recover health. I can understand games having bugs but this kind of issues make players want to quit.
When I'm using my android phone to play. Every time I open other apps and return to the game app, the game got disconnected. Every time i will need to restart the game app when I go to check my alliance chat.
When I'm using my iPad mini, it gets disconnected randomly. Recently I had disconnection when I just started an AW fight. Lost one attack bonus and had to use items to recover health. I can understand games having bugs but this kind of issues make players want to quit.
It’s been happening a lot on my iPad Pro.
Also @Kabam Miike a while back you posted about compensation for the 19.0 debacle and said that yourself and the team were “fine tuning” the package to be sent out to us yet since that post u have gone quiet as usual.
Each and every time something affects us players kabam are nowhere to be seen but the minute something is wrong and affects kabam a fix gets released right away.
Maybe all of you should make this game stable and bug free