Iron man OG cannot be hit after his sp2

I died because this in AW..
I went in with a medium after evading his sp2 and it completely went through him and he combo'ed me INTO OBLIVION!
I went in with a medium after evading his sp2 and it completely went through him and he combo'ed me INTO OBLIVION!
I tried delaying the medium a lil bit too
Still my hit went 'through' him
I was playing with blade, if that makes any difference..
Im Can stil du it
Unlike miss marvel / cap marvel's sp1, that is very similar, you can just attack without pause
@Kabam Valkyrie @Kabam Miike
For example, i was fighting with can that affect it?
So, you know, swings and roundabouts...
More seriously, another champ you can swing through is She-Hulk after her SP1. Don't try and hit her before she's fully stood up, as you'll risk mistiming your combo and getting nailed.