•SSW• searching for a 350k+ rated player! Map5 and going for gold1! LINE REQUIRED

Hi, we are a fun and active alliance. We are a new alliance and are already in gold3. We are aiming for gold1 before the season ends. We do Map5 and Map3 mostly. Also we don't like to put that much pressure on 3days events.


  • TriasEUTriasEU Member Posts: 110
    Gold2 at this moment! Still searching for a player to replace a friend that wants to quit because of real life catching up to him. Add me ingame or on LINE TriasEU
  • TriasEUTriasEU Member Posts: 110
    Still looking :(
  • TriasEUTriasEU Member Posts: 110
    How did I recruit 29 people in 1week and now try to fill 1 spot for over a week xD whats happening?!
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