It could only be a bad decision if you don't play well with him. There are good champs that I haven't really figured out - I will rank them up when I learn to play them well. If you know what you're doing, he's a terrific champ and will give people fits on Alli War Defense.
If you think r3ing IMIW was a bad idea at first, why did you even bother r3 him? This obviously is a brag post, but seriously, if you know the answer then stick to it. Obviously you know it was a good idea so you bought him up. No need to make a poll asking if it was good or not when you already know the answer.
I was really unsure at r3. But I got a tech rank up and Awakening gem and had no other viable tech 5*s. He scaled up very nicely at r4. Once you get a plasma just keep playing aggressively and refresh it.
That’s only Tech champs. T2As are too valuable so way too many champs I’d rather R4 before IMIW considering other classes as well
Fair. I guess in that sense you're right. Had I not had that tech level up gem I probably would've ranked someone else. That being said, I'm still very happy with him at r4.
Disagree, took mine to r4 and despite my reservations he's a total beast
if your not sure then why'd you rank him up lol
I was really unsure at r3. But I got a tech rank up and Awakening gem and had no other viable tech 5*s. He scaled up very nicely at r4. Once you get a plasma just keep playing aggressively and refresh it.
Disagree. There’s other Tech champs I’d rather R4 instead of a non dup IMIW
Fair. I guess in that sense you're right. Had I not had that tech level up gem I probably would've ranked someone else. That being said, I'm still very happy with him at r4.