my catalysts keep changing

sometimes when i sell surplus catalysts to keep ones in my cache from expiring they'll switch. they'll go from tier 1 to tier 2 once i've sold what i wanted to get rid of. i have a video of it as well but it won't upload. it's not as if it's a big deal but it is kinda annoying since it's been going on for months.


  • ChampioncriticChampioncritic Member Posts: 3,347 ★★★★
    When you sell t1 catalysts, you get gold AND t2 catalyst fragments. Probably just sell enough each time to fully form a new t2 catalyst
  • metalmissionarymetalmissionary Member Posts: 52
    no you're misunderstanding what i'm saying. yesterday for example i sold 7 t1 from my inventory to make room for the 7 in my cache. after selling 7 t1 i return to my cache to find 2 of the t1 are now t2. i'm not talking about how new ones are made i'm talking about how 1 minute i had 7 t1 going to expire within 24 hours & the next i have only 5.
  • djr17djr17 Member Posts: 717 ★★★
    It's a visual error. I've done it, too. ticks me off to sell things I don't need to. I just started scrolling down and back up to make sure they're the right one's to sell.
  • metalmissionarymetalmissionary Member Posts: 52
    i wish i could upload the video to show. i'm not sure that's what you're talking about.
  • RogueKing13RogueKing13 Member Posts: 188
    Upload it to YouTube and then post the link here.
  • RogueKing13RogueKing13 Member Posts: 188
    I am still not sure what you are trying to show us.
  • metalmissionarymetalmissionary Member Posts: 52
    i sold 7 tier 1 catalysts & then right after i sold them 2 of them had become tier 2 catalysts.
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