4 star Archangel (unduped) or 4 star Iceman (unduped), whom to R4??

Mishman07Mishman07 Member Posts: 52
I am at 4.2.2 want to rank up a mutant, please advice me whom should I rank 4 now, my 4 star Archangel (unduped) or 4 star Iceman (unduped)?


  • tntsltntsl Member Posts: 84
  • MarriMarri Member Posts: 260 ★★
    For A4 you can really use AA. Iceman is meh unduped.
  • GamePlayWorldGamePlayWorld Member Posts: 401
    Archangel bro i have him as a rank 5 4 star he tears through most champs :smiley:
  • GamePlayWorldGamePlayWorld Member Posts: 401
    he dupe is not really necessary :blush:
  • DoctorJDoctorJ Member Posts: 842 ★★★
    Iceman. Dual immunes, evasion counter and ice bombs do some nice damage.

    Aa is ok but he gets gimped by any immune, which seem to be getting pretty common.
  • Iron_spider1Iron_spider1 Member Posts: 272
    edited September 2018
    Do archangel he will carry you through most of the content easily
  • Mishman07Mishman07 Member Posts: 52
    By the opinion of seniors, I think AA got 3 votes and ice got 2. Close fight. Thank you guys for your kind advice
    iceman is waaaaaaaaay cooler
  • GonzzaGonzza Member Posts: 65
    AA all the way man, he is amazing
  • winterthurwinterthur Member Posts: 8,330 ★★★★★
    Sungj wrote: »
    Iceman because overall he has more uses and less weak matchups than AA. Theres very few situations where iceman would be a bad champion to bring in. He has really good damage output, immunities, damage cap, high armor and evade counte. AA has insane damage but if the opponent is poison immune he is very gimped and if the opponent is bleed immune his damage becomes less than mediocre. His ability accuracy reduction is great and is one of the best options for electro, magik,evade champs and thorns nodes but since iceman handles evade champs and if a bleed or poison immune champ is on thorns AA is severely gimped putting iceman over the top. On top of that iceman doesn't need to be duped to be a god tier champ while AA does so just another point for iceman

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