With a Heavy Heart I'm Quitting

NihungNihung Member Posts: 108
I've absolutely loved MCOC from when it was first created . I loved the storylines. I loved the playability. Loved the Alliance banter. Loved that you had to think tactically, BUT I'm quitting for the following reasons:

1) Bugs - biggest reason - the lag, the constant crashes, the freezes have made this game unplayable. You're in the middle of a War fight, the games lags and you die. You end up letting down the Alliance. Despite numerous reports by me, and by people, the bugs still remain.

2) Lack of Customer Focus - Kabam is a profit making company - I get that and they have to make money on this game, but some of the deals that come up periodically are ludicrous. They don't represent value for money. Also drop rates generally seem to have dropped considerably.

3) Nerfing - If it ain't broke, don't fix it! - The last "fix" on Mystic's made no sense. Ok, in the past fixes on very powerful characters like Scarlet Witch I got, but the nerf of the masteries really made no sense. I get Kabam have to balance the game, but they need to realise that player spend a lot of time on characters , not only on the masteries , but learning to play them, and to nerf the masteries at a stroke like this, with no real compensation is not really adequate.

4) Cheating - people using addons to cheat in war. Kabam's focus is on piloting which really is not cheating. Sometimes I play on my sons account, is that piloting? Kabam need to focus on real cheating i.e. addons and not things like piloting, which in the bigger picture evens itself out. Moving another players character in war if they are stuck in traffic on the way home is really not a big deal. Speak to the community, they will all say the same. This also applies to point 2 again.

5) Overpowered Obscure Characters - It is exciting that Kabam is bringing out new characters , but some of them are so over powered. I don't get how obscure characters like Domino can be so strong and one of the most powerful character Jean-Grey is so weak? This is really poor design and Kabam need to focus more on the characters as they are in the Marvel Universe. The game should reflect their Marvel status.

I really hope Kabam will take my comments seriously and not think they are an attack or anything like that. They are meant to be positive. I love this game and I want it to grow. I want my kids to play it as well, but because of the above, they too have lost interest. I know I'm a small voice and just another customer out of millions, but I really do hope I can return one day when the game is fixed.

Adiós and All the best




  • NihungNihung Member Posts: 108
    I agree with everything. At first I thought maybe drop rates were one of your issues that didn't matter to me, but it is very important for newer players to have the ability to compete. We all have the low man in our alliance that we would like to see succeed. That being said... the new player shouldn't be able to knock me out of the running in a legends run after only one year of playing the game to my three years of grinding.

    @Mediumunwell Agree my friend . The balance seems to have gone. We need to make the game welcoming for newbies. Make some of cash purchases affordable. Have a look at drop rates.

    One of the gripes I didn't put up was to do with Gold, i.e. we all seem to be struggling with Gold. That really should not be the case.
  • AleorAleor Member Posts: 3,144 ★★★★★
    edited September 2018
    well, piloting is bad, people used to do all the war by one good player - what's the point? and if you try to reflect marvel universe, dormamu should one shot anyone, like in one hit. so it's not gonna happen. newer champs are stronger just because they want people to spend for them, almost always new champ will be better than older one. it's the same reason game will never be balanced

    I totally agree with your point about bugs. might quit as well if they won't fix damn bugs next update
  • RyanTDMRyanTDM Member Posts: 11
    Im Also Thinking About Quiting Because My Alliance (Fonun) Has A LOT Of Piloters And Cheaters That We Used To Be Silver 2 But With The Cheaters And Piloters Brang Us Down To Bronze 1.
    They Should Not Affect The WHOLE Alliance, Just The Cheater.
    From @RyanTDM
  • KaleTalKaleTal Member Posts: 8
    Bye Felicia
  • VoltolosVoltolos Member Posts: 1,120 ★★★
    RyanTDM wrote: »
    Im Also Thinking About Quiting Because My Alliance (Fonun) Has A LOT Of Piloters And Cheaters That We Used To Be Silver 2 But With The Cheaters And Piloters Brang Us Down To Bronze 1.
    They Should Not Affect The WHOLE Alliance, Just The Cheater.
    From @RyanTDM

    Why dont you leave the alliance?
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  • rockykostonrockykoston Member Posts: 1,505 ★★★★
    I quit as well about a week ago purely for reason no 1 , it's a slap in the face when you know kabam is doing nothing to fix the lags and crashes.

    There were no crashes prior to v18 but after that the app went crazy.

    I haven't quit completely, but am just doing story. I will never dedicate the same time to a game that doesn't respect it's player base.
  • NihungNihung Member Posts: 108
    Aleor wrote: »
    well, piloting is bad, people used to do all the war by one good player - what's the point? and if you try to reflect marvel universe, dormamu should one shot anyone, like in one hit. so it's not gonna happen. newer champs are stronger just because they want people to spend for them, almost always new champ will be better than older one. it's the same reason game will never be balanced

    I totally agree with your point about bugs. might quit as well if they won't fix damn bugs next update

    @Aleor - Hmm not sure about your Dormamnu example, he's pretty dammed powerful and in the comics, he is defeated (as in the film)

    I take your point n piloting, and I'm not saying it isn't bad, but compared to other types of cheating, it's way down there, yet Kabam made it a priority. Just like nerfing and new champs is a priority over bug fixes.
  • NihungNihung Member Posts: 108
    I quit as well about a week ago purely for reason no 1 , it's a slap in the face when you know kabam is doing nothing to fix the lags and crashes.

    There were no crashes prior to v18 but after that the app went crazy.

    I haven't quit completely, but am just doing story. I will never dedicate the same time to a game that doesn't respect it's player base.

    @rockykoston I dunno what Kabam are thinking. They have a cash cow and they appear to have broken it.
  • WerewrymWerewrym Member Posts: 2,830 ★★★★★
    Here's what I suggest. i don't know what type of alliance you were in before, but find one that is super relaxed. Its much less stressful when you know that your alliance doesn't care if you die a couple times in war and they realize that lag happens. I'm in a pretty chill alliance that runs map 3 AQ and we place gold 1 in war, but there is no pressure for anyone to play perfect. If you really do still enjoy the game, then don't quit, just find somewhere to go where you can play in a more relaxed setting.
  • Colonaut123Colonaut123 Member Posts: 3,091 ★★★★★
    Nihung wrote: »
    1) Bugs - biggest reason - the lag, the constant crashes, the freezes have made this game unplayable. You're in the middle of a War fight, the games lags and you die. You end up letting down the Alliance. Despite numerous reports by me, and by people, the bugs still remain.

    It is one of my biggest frustrations as well (who doesn't?). It would help a lot if Kabam would admit this and as a good gesture, remove the time-out penalties such as AW and AQ, at least until the bugs are fixed.

    Nihung wrote: »
    2) Lack of Customer Focus - Kabam is a profit making company - I get that and they have to make money on this game, but some of the deals that come up periodically are ludicrous. They don't represent value for money. Also drop rates generally seem to have dropped considerably.

    As a mainly F2P player, I ignore these deals. What bothers me are obvious money grabs like Goldpool. Nobody asked for that made-up champion which was nothing but a cash cow. It really violated the spirit of the game.
    Nihung wrote: »
    3) Nerfing - If it ain't broke, don't fix it! - The last "fix" on Mystic's made no sense. Ok, in the past fixes on very powerful characters like Scarlet Witch I got, but the nerf of the masteries really made no sense. I get Kabam have to balance the game, but they need to realise that player spend a lot of time on characters , not only on the masteries , but learning to play them, and to nerf the masteries at a stroke like this, with no real compensation is not really adequate.

    Strangely enough, I blame Kabam for not nerfing enough. Obvious recent additions are gamebreaking - Domino, IMIW, Emma Frost - but Kabam fears the backlash since so many people invested in those champions.
    Nihung wrote: »
    4) Cheating - people using addons to cheat in war. Kabam's focus is on piloting which really is not cheating. Sometimes I play on my sons account, is that piloting? Kabam need to focus on real cheating i.e. addons and not things like piloting, which in the bigger picture evens itself out. Moving another players character in war if they are stuck in traffic on the way home is really not a big deal. Speak to the community, they will all say the same. This also applies to point 2 again.

    Piloting is a form of cheating. If you can't move, then you can't move. Simple as that.
    Nihung wrote: »
    5) Overpowered Obscure Characters - It is exciting that Kabam is bringing out new characters , but some of them are so over powered. I don't get how obscure characters like Domino can be so strong and one of the most powerful character Jean-Grey is so weak? This is really poor design and Kabam need to focus more on the characters as they are in the Marvel Universe. The game should reflect their Marvel status.

    I absolutely 100% agree. Rather than two new champions a month, I'd rather have one new and one rework.

  • Panchulon21Panchulon21 Member Posts: 2,605 ★★★★★
    I haven’t thought about quitting yet, but I have thought about slowing down a million times. I completely agree with everything you said. I honestly don’t care about the drop rates anymore but I have noticed that. Reason I don’t care is because I’ve pulled so much garbage I don’t expect it to change. When it does I just pay myself on the back.

    As for the piloting. Yes you shouldn’t be able to run war with your best player but you should be able to move your buddy who is on vacation with his family for the week. This game consumes you everyday life, it shouldn’t consume your vacation life. Yes I will be tagged and say “leave the alliance and come back” that’s not a solution. Recruiting is tough, and you don’t recruit for a week then kick and bring back. For the guys who have NO LIVES at all, not enjoying your vacation is cool but for us guys who have wives, others with kids and large families deserve the away time.
  • NihungNihung Member Posts: 108
    Werewrym wrote: »
    Here's what I suggest. i don't know what type of alliance you were in before, but find one that is super relaxed. Its much less stressful when you know that your alliance doesn't care if you die a couple times in war and they realize that lag happens. I'm in a pretty chill alliance that runs map 3 AQ and we place gold 1 in war, but there is no pressure for anyone to play perfect. If you really do still enjoy the game, then don't quit, just find somewhere to go where you can play in a more relaxed setting.

    @Werewrym my Alliance is pretty chilled out. There's no real pressure. Easily make the donations. The banter is brilliant and that is what I will miss.

    All I'm saying is, I played this game near enough from when it first came out, and I have noticed a drop in the overall quality of play and service.
  • NihungNihung Member Posts: 108
    I haven’t thought about quitting yet, but I have thought about slowing down a million times. I completely agree with everything you said. I honestly don’t care about the drop rates anymore but I have noticed that. Reason I don’t care is because I’ve pulled so much garbage I don’t expect it to change. When it does I just pay myself on the back.

    As for the piloting. Yes you shouldn’t be able to run war with your best player but you should be able to move your buddy who is on vacation with his family for the week. This game consumes you everyday life, it shouldn’t consume your vacation life. Yes I will be tagged and say “leave the alliance and come back” that’s not a solution. Recruiting is tough, and you don’t recruit for a week then kick and bring back. For the guys who have NO LIVES at all, not enjoying your vacation is cool but for us guys who have wives, others with kids and large families deserve the away time.

    @Panchulon21 I think with drop rates I should have added things like Gold. It's so tough to get, even with a solid Arena grinder like me.
  • WerewrymWerewrym Member Posts: 2,830 ★★★★★
    Nihung wrote: »
    Werewrym wrote: »
    Here's what I suggest. i don't know what type of alliance you were in before, but find one that is super relaxed. Its much less stressful when you know that your alliance doesn't care if you die a couple times in war and they realize that lag happens. I'm in a pretty chill alliance that runs map 3 AQ and we place gold 1 in war, but there is no pressure for anyone to play perfect. If you really do still enjoy the game, then don't quit, just find somewhere to go where you can play in a more relaxed setting.

    @Werewrym my Alliance is pretty chilled out. There's no real pressure. Easily make the donations. The banter is brilliant and that is what I will miss.

    All I'm saying is, I played this game near enough from when it first came out, and I have noticed a drop in the overall quality of play and service.

    Ok, I can understand that. I guess for me, the fun I have with my alliance is one of the main things that keeps me going. I'm not sure I'd wan't to leave them even if the quality of the game wasn't as good as it used to be. I just got the iPhone 8, (upgraded from the 5c) and I have noticed a huge jump in the performance of the game. I am actually enjoying the game a whole lot more now that I have a better device.
  • WerewrymWerewrym Member Posts: 2,830 ★★★★★
    Nihung wrote: »
    I haven’t thought about quitting yet, but I have thought about slowing down a million times. I completely agree with everything you said. I honestly don’t care about the drop rates anymore but I have noticed that. Reason I don’t care is because I’ve pulled so much garbage I don’t expect it to change. When it does I just pay myself on the back.

    As for the piloting. Yes you shouldn’t be able to run war with your best player but you should be able to move your buddy who is on vacation with his family for the week. This game consumes you everyday life, it shouldn’t consume your vacation life. Yes I will be tagged and say “leave the alliance and come back” that’s not a solution. Recruiting is tough, and you don’t recruit for a week then kick and bring back. For the guys who have NO LIVES at all, not enjoying your vacation is cool but for us guys who have wives, others with kids and large families deserve the away time.

    @Panchulon21 I think with drop rates I should have added things like Gold. It's so tough to get, even with a solid Arena grinder like me.

    Why not go to an alliance that does not require donations? Donations may seem like a small amount, but you don't realize how much it really is until you don't have them anymore. When I moved from a map 5x5 alliance to a map 3 alliance the amount of gold I was able to save up quickly was amazing.
  • NihungNihung Member Posts: 108
    Werewrym wrote: »

    Why not go to an alliance that does not require donations? Donations may seem like a small amount, but you don't realize how much it really is until you don't have them anymore. When I moved from a map 5x5 alliance to a map 3 alliance the amount of gold I was able to save up quickly was amazing.


    I don't thing for things like Gold we should have to grind as much. We never used to have to. T4 Cats and above yes, by all means, but not Gold.

  • NihungNihung Member Posts: 108
    Werewrym wrote: »

    Ok, I can understand that. I guess for me, the fun I have with my alliance is one of the main things that keeps me going. I'm not sure I'd wan't to leave them even if the quality of the game wasn't as good as it used to be. I just got the iPhone 8, (upgraded from the 5c) and I have noticed a huge jump in the performance of the game. I am actually enjoying the game a whole lot more now that I have a better device.


    I got an Nvidia tablet, probably the best Android device out there , but it is old tech now, but Iphone 8 would probably have been my next step (or the tablet).

  • WerewrymWerewrym Member Posts: 2,830 ★★★★★
    Nihung wrote: »
    Werewrym wrote: »

    Why not go to an alliance that does not require donations? Donations may seem like a small amount, but you don't realize how much it really is until you don't have them anymore. When I moved from a map 5x5 alliance to a map 3 alliance the amount of gold I was able to save up quickly was amazing.


    I don't thing for things like Gold we should have to grind as much. We never used to have to. T4 Cats and above yes, by all means, but not Gold.

    I agree completely. I hate arena which is why I don't play it. I don't think we should have to grind in arena to get gold. So I just save mine and only rank champs that are worth it. If I had to grind arena, I actually probably would quit. I think arena grinding is about the last thing I would ever want to do. What I dislike is that they release new tiers of champs or higher ranks are available all costing much more gold than anything in this game has cost. And yet they have done nothing to increase the amount of gold we earn anywhere. It is a real problem. Another reason why I am in an alliance that does not require donations.
  • MrTicTac19992008MrTicTac19992008 Member Posts: 608 ★★★
    The lag is the worst, I know many in my alliance are fed up and will be quitting if its not fixed in the next update. Its not even recognised as a known issue with 20.0. Those two discussion threads, well I wont say discussion threads because all it is, is people entering their Phone info and Kabam just continuing on as normal. Since they started the threads they have not messaged since.
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  • NihungNihung Member Posts: 108
    The lag is the worst, I know many in my alliance are fed up and will be quitting if its not fixed in the next update. Its not even recognised as a known issue with 20.0. Those two discussion threads, well I wont say discussion threads because all it is, is people entering their Phone info and Kabam just continuing on as normal. Since they started the threads they have not messaged since.

    @MrTicTac19992008 I think if Kabam maybe said, "look the game doesn't work now on devices older than say X years" I'd get that, but they don't.
  • World EaterWorld Eater Member Posts: 3,838 ★★★★★
    It’s liberating to rid yourself of the games’ daily grind.
  • NihungNihung Member Posts: 108
    Leiva_dark wrote: »

    during this month and been in 4 alliances, 1 platinum 3 and 3 gold 1, of these alliances after these delays 80% (90 applicants) left the game said goodbye for the huge delays and new champions who only do inevitable damage looking to generate expenses, is the reality that this past month did not speculate or think but it is what happened and this game goes every time from bad to worse ... with your birth your thought

    @Leiva_dark - it's a dammed shame because we spend so much time recruiting people, getting them to play as a team, then they feel they have to quit because of game lag.

  • NihungNihung Member Posts: 108
    Werewrym wrote: »

    I agree completely. I hate arena which is why I don't play it. I don't think we should have to grind in arena to get gold. So I just save mine and only rank champs that are worth it. If I had to grind arena, I actually probably would quit. I think arena grinding is about the last thing I would ever want to do. What I dislike is that they release new tiers of champs or higher ranks are available all costing much more gold than anything in this game has cost. And yet they have done nothing to increase the amount of gold we earn anywhere. It is a real problem. Another reason why I am in an alliance that does not require donations.

    @Werewrym - I forgot about that. The new Tiers cost astronomical amounts . I think for my Blade 5 star it was 1000000 gold to go from 3/5 to 4/5. Just crazy.

  • AkhilxcxAkhilxcx Member Posts: 255 ★★
    Finally i found my quiting twin @Nihung i quit this game today and this is the first time in years i have felt absolutely no pressure of aw and aqs. Just seriously annoyed with stupid bugs and kabam's inability to fix them.
    Let's enjoy life bro
  • NihungNihung Member Posts: 108
    MikeHock wrote: »
    It’s liberating to rid yourself of the games’ daily grind.

    @MikeHock just read your tag. Love the name fella! :D


  • NihungNihung Member Posts: 108
    Akhilxcx wrote: »
    Finally i found my quiting twin @Nihung i quit this game today and this is the first time in years i have felt absolutely no pressure of aw and aqs. Just seriously annoyed with stupid bugs and kabam's inability to fix them.
    Let's enjoy life bro

    @Akhilxcx I'm in the middle of a war so will quit after that....but yeah get your point! B)
  • DarvDarv Member Posts: 13
    The nerf to MD was a slap in the face forsure,ya they gave us back what we put into the mastery but not what we put into ranking the champs...MD barely works anymore...Ranked magik and dorm to r4 and now they are worthless...Look how op Blade is but yet they are worried about a mastery lmao..Let's fix in game issues for starters love this game and can't seem to walk away and kabam knows people are addicted
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