Want to take a break from the game, mainly only doing map 3 aq and a little bit of war. No donations
I am a veteran player and have been in a top alliance for quite a while now so just want to get away from all that.
Look me up in game: Mitchell9595
Add me on line: mitchell9595
I am a veteran player and have been in a top alliance for quite a while now so just want to get away from all that.
Look me up in game: Mitchell9595
Add me on line: mitchell9595
This is who we are:
we might suit you. check us out here.
also added you in line/in game
If you're still looking for an alliance, the check out The Order of the Ebon Hand [O.E.H]. We're chill but active 4.4 million alliance that's recruiting four lus players with a base rating of 100K+. The LINE app is REQUIRED in order to join. PM one of our officers (ARGaming86 <---ME, OpethFan1) or our leader Liam Seven (ebonhand) on LINE for more details. Adding one of us is a MUST especially ebonhand.
IG:GorerillaTactic, Liam 7, OpethFan1
I sent you an invite and request in game. I also sent you a message on LINE.
We were Bronze 2 (last season) looking to advance to Silver by the end of Season 4. We got knocked back to Stone 1 after a loss last AW recently, however we do run Map 2 & 3 simultaneously except during AW when we run 2 BG's on Map 2. In AW we're Stone 1, Rank 949, Tier 12.
AW currently runs two to three times a week with one to two BG's while working towards three BG's after we acquire 30 members.
Participation is key! Group participation in completion, item use, duels, etc to reach max rewards is highly recommended. No donation requirements. We understand that life issues happen, but please communicate.
With the new AQ system in place, we're running Map 2 and 3 simultaneously; 2x5 and 3x5. Once we hit 30 players, we might run three BG's with Map 2, 3 and 4. The use of top champs is a must where nothing under 2K in AQ/AW is allowed/recommended. No pressure to join AW/AQ but participation is required/high recommended when joining.
Our last updated stats are as follows : Stone 1 - 4,418,987 (4.4MIL) - 1,059 AW Rating
Hi Mitchell9595. Your experience and knowledge of this game would be invaluable to the growing teammates in our alliance. It would be an honor if you would consider joining us.
We are an active, AQ focused alliance. We don't participate in war right now because many in our membership are too weak. They lack the rosters to put up a decent defense. So, we are helping our teammates grow and when they are ready, we will be an active participant of war.
There are no minimums in our alliance. We figure that if you play, whatever amount of time that you have available, the numbers will take care of itself. So, there is no stress as real life responsibilities are very important and this, at the end of the day, is just a game.
For AQ, we play it in two battlegroups, 5 days a week. In BG 1, we play either map 4 or 5 (mostly map 4). In BG 2, we play either map 1 or 2. We are pushing to open up BG 3, to play another map 1 or 2 more frequently (if we have a few more membership). Slowly, BG 2 and possibly BG 3 will have a sprinkle of map 3, here and there.
Currently, we consistently surpass the 8 M points milestone in AQ, so you will get at least 1700 Glory, 3000 T4BC fragments, Map 5 Crystal x 1, and at least Map 4 Crystals x 6 each week at the conclusion of the event. We are knocking on the door of 10 M points milestone and we have our eyes set on the 15 M points milestones next. There are NO donations required in our alliance.
We participate in weekly SA. In many other alliance events, for the most part, we hit the next-to-last or last milestones so you would get some decent rewards from being with us. It's not like those high-powered alliances that you are used to, but it's something and you can really help everyone expand their game without the pressure of playing so much.
For communication, we use Telegram. I can be found on Telegram @Gladiator2014.
My IGN is gladiator2014. Hopefully, you would consider joining us. We would welcome and love to have you.