Disparity in access to upgrade resources

I never post to these forums and have been playing this game for almost 4 years and have spent more than I care to admit on the game I play on a daily basis. But I am stuggling with the logic in this and was wondering if kabam is working on this issue because it is a problem with 90% of my alliance.
Kabam listen to the community and gave us summoners much improved access to alpha and t4b to allow us to keep up with the game mechanics and increased access to 5 and 6* heros however they have not increased access to gold. I run all event quests heroic-uncollected and average 2 mil in the 5* feature arena and all milestones in t4b and alpha arena but I cannot keep 1 million in gold. I have about eight 5* I want to progress but have no gold to do so. How about a weekly/bi-weekly gold event to help out your community? @Kabam Miike @Kabam Wolf @Kabam Lyra
Kabam listen to the community and gave us summoners much improved access to alpha and t4b to allow us to keep up with the game mechanics and increased access to 5 and 6* heros however they have not increased access to gold. I run all event quests heroic-uncollected and average 2 mil in the 5* feature arena and all milestones in t4b and alpha arena but I cannot keep 1 million in gold. I have about eight 5* I want to progress but have no gold to do so. How about a weekly/bi-weekly gold event to help out your community? @Kabam Miike @Kabam Wolf @Kabam Lyra