DC Crossover Event Quest?

Kabam, quick question:
Are we ever going to see a DC crossover event quest consisting of one-time only (like the hybrid champs from Hotel MODOK) DC character bosses? I ask because of how much DC and Marvel cross over in the comics. I think it would be pretty cool! Or would this be too much of a copyright mission?
Are we ever going to see a DC crossover event quest consisting of one-time only (like the hybrid champs from Hotel MODOK) DC character bosses? I ask because of how much DC and Marvel cross over in the comics. I think it would be pretty cool! Or would this be too much of a copyright mission?
So if you could buy both DC and Marvel, which would mean buying Disney as well, then you can make it happen and create a game in which Hyperion, Superman, and Mickey Mouse duel to the death.
Marvel doesn’t have rights to all of their own characters, so why would they try to get DC’s characters?
I know, it's not about buying the rights to the characters. Just like how Stan Lee didn't have to buy the rights to the DC characters he wrote into the comic book crossovers. It's just about mutual agreement for extra publicity. MCOC uses DC characters for 1 month, Injusticr uses Marvel characters for 1 month. Extra publicity for both companies... Win-win. That's how it worked in the comic book crossovers.
True. But I don’t see anyone playing injustice anymore so I doubt it would help DC tbh. Or if people did and I just live where no one plays it, Marvel would want to charge DC because it would help DC a lot more than Marvel (thinking about the movie successes and failures)