Android lag

As of this day I am boycotting any further purchases to this company. Spending money on units to heal up or revive due to lag consistantly is beyond unacceptable. Myself and many others are tired of this company taking this community for granted thinking that everyone will just keep filling their pockets no matter what. This game has great potential but is clouded by greed. This has gotten so bad that it seems to be on purpose. Lag during aq fights lag during boss or mini boss fights. The lag just appears when you're in a mode of the game that determines the outcome of your rewards. So of course people will spend money to revive in an aw fight.... So they can win and climb this ladder kabaam has put in front of them. I have seen through this and i know many will see through it also. Kabaam get it together and treat everyone who plays this game correctly and stop ruining it with greed! You will make twice as much money in the long game making this game incredible instead of the get rich quick motto that you have as of now. Good luck please fix issues that "PAYING" customers have brought forth. You get a 1 on reviews at this time.
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