Thoughts on Dormammu for AW DEF?

I have seen a few posts about dormammu being used as AW defender and/or Boss.
Have him at R3 duped him yesterday (sig 20, can pump up with stones if needed).
have MD-4, not really close to MD-5.
I'm a bit new to tier 3-4 wars and am wondering about going to R4 then R5 with him.
Is he useful in war in those tiers? or is he easy to nerf (ww2? other champ?)
hoping some of you guys with more experience can advise.
My intent would be to r4 him, but would probably r5 voodoo/mordo first (if i had them...sigh)
Can he be decent defender at r4? or is he actually "garbage"
- Trumpoot
PS, i am still figuring out his mechanics. I like the utility. will definitely r4 him but not sure i would r5 him for attack.
Have him at R3 duped him yesterday (sig 20, can pump up with stones if needed).
have MD-4, not really close to MD-5.
I'm a bit new to tier 3-4 wars and am wondering about going to R4 then R5 with him.
Is he useful in war in those tiers? or is he easy to nerf (ww2? other champ?)
hoping some of you guys with more experience can advise.
My intent would be to r4 him, but would probably r5 voodoo/mordo first (if i had them...sigh)
Can he be decent defender at r4? or is he actually "garbage"
- Trumpoot
PS, i am still figuring out his mechanics. I like the utility. will definitely r4 him but not sure i would r5 him for attack.
although I have been reading about his sig being busted. hopefully this issue is resolved/will be soon