Cables Regen

I have a 3/45 5* Cable and his regen hardly seems to work (if it ever does). I understand he only has a 15% chance to activate every time he fills a power bar, but when you play Act 5 and uncollected quests, the fights are very long and if, if the stars align, I MIGHT get one regen per fight. Most the time I don't though, which seems a little off considering I use about 6-8 sp2's per fight (just a guestimate) which equals out to about 12-16 bars of power filled each fight.

A 15% chance with about 12-16 times per fight just seems statistically inaccurate for it to not even activate once when using him. But God FORBID if you go against him in story/event quests and he regens 3 times per fight. Anyone remember when he was mini-boss for map 5 and how many regens he got per fight? It always seems like theres a lot more regens on him when I fight against him than when I fight with him. And I do understand that he will regen more when fighting against him because champs generate more power when they get hit, rather than hitting opponents, but it still doesn't like his regen activates as often as it should when I'm using him.

Comment thoughts on this. I might just be a crazy person, but its worth asking whether his regen works as often as it's supposed to.


  • ChampioncriticChampioncritic Member Posts: 3,347 ★★★★
    RNG is RNG, cant do anything about it.
    @Championcritic I understand its based on a random chance, with only a 15% chance every power bar to activate, but it just doesn't seem that the stated 15% chance is actually a "15%" chance
    Am I really the only one who feels this way about cable?
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    @OneManArmy im saying that I don't think the stated 15% chance is actually a 15% chance, did you not understand my words?
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    @MCB05 I don't rely on it at all, but it would be nice if it actually activated every once in a while like its supposed to and not just once every 5 fights in uncollected
  • KrumbledkookieKrumbledkookie Member Posts: 273
    The unreliable nature of his regen is what keeps him from being a god tier champ. Still a lot of fun to play though.
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  • TheLegend27TheLegend27 Member Posts: 1,319 ★★★★★
    I hate how low his regen chance is. It should be like Magik's limbo. More bars of power increase his chance for regen. I think I once went through an entire chapter with my 5* and he only activated regen once....and I was already at full health :disappointed:
    @TheLegend27 I honestly thought of that a few days ago, but because I failed to post that idea, you take claim for it lol. Either way, I agree with you 100% that that is the way his regen should work. I hope mods/admins see this, maybe they could propose this rework to the devs!
  • 玩玩玩家玩玩玩家 Member Posts: 441
    Cable is currently my #2 Champ, and yes, his regen does not activate in every fights.
    Cable is currently my #2 Champ, and yes, his regen does not activate in every fights.

    I know it doesn't activate every fight, but when you do the math that you gain about 12-16 bars of power per fight, and each bar of power has a 15% chance to activate regen, those numbers don't seem to even be close to accurate. With those numbers, i should at the very least be getting one regen per fight
  • RicemanRiceman Member Posts: 216
    When I use Cable I usually get at least 3 regens per quest (Act 4 Level Quest)

    Guess I'm just lucky
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    @Riceman i guess you are, because I'm never that lucky. All i really want is a comment from a mod/admin on this thread saying that his regen is in fact working correctly
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  • 玩玩玩家玩玩玩家 Member Posts: 441
    Cable is currently my #2 Champ, and yes, his regen does not activate in every fights.

    I know it doesn't activate every fight, but when you do the math that you gain about 12-16 bars of power per fight, and each bar of power has a 15% chance to activate regen, those numbers don't seem to even be close to accurate. With those numbers, i should at the very least be getting one regen per fight

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  • V1PER1987V1PER1987 Member Posts: 3,474 ★★★★★
    Cable is currently my #2 Champ, and yes, his regen does not activate in every fights.

    I know it doesn't activate every fight, but when you do the math that you gain about 12-16 bars of power per fight, and each bar of power has a 15% chance to activate regen, those numbers don't seem to even be close to accurate. With those numbers, i should at the very least be getting one regen per fight

    And I’m sure there have been fights where he triggers it more than once. RNG. You probably don’t notice it as much though. People tend to focus on when they get negative RNG.
  • AleorAleor Member Posts: 3,144 ★★★★★
    it's easy - it works when you fight against him with 29% chance and with 1% when you use him. in average it's 15%)
    @V1PER1987 I can honestly say that I don't think I have never gotten more than 1 regen in a fight, and if I did he was at full life already and it didn't do anything. But he rarely gets his regen
  • belli300belli300 Member Posts: 704 ★★★
    In aw and aq he is generally placed on a node that increases ability triggers so it’s more likely you are referring to those types of fight where regen and power gain are always triggering
  • XxOriginalxXXxOriginalxX Member Posts: 1,324 ★★★
    Wait Cable has regen?
    @belli300 while those do activate more, I am referring also to those in just regular master/uncollected quests. They those always have more regen than mine does
  • KattohSKattohS Member Posts: 728 ★★
    He regens when Kabam wants him to regen.

    Same way summoner bleed champs can go over 15 hits sometimes before bleed kicks in.

    But if you are fighting a bleed champ and really kicking his *** don’t even let him hit your finger because you will bleed out.

    But as others have said it’s “RNG”.
  • AkhilxcxAkhilxcx Member Posts: 255 ★★
    Try taking cable in attack on day 5 in aq. Regen is non existent for cable that 15% chance becomes 0.000015%
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