[XEN11]XENONANCE Silver 2, 6.5mil rating, 250k Avg Member Rating Looking for Fresh, Active Members

As the title says, [XEN11]XENONANCE is a War Bracket Silver 2, 6.5 mil rating alliance looking for active members. Our average member rating is 250k, with uncollected members and members on Act 5 saving units for that ludicrous collector fight. Currently run map 3 for quest for conservative use of resources, with potential to run at least one group in map 4 within a month. We do every other week summoner advancement, which means leveling and crystal opening have off weeks. Any new recruit will need to have the self-control to hold off on opening/leveling every other week to increase rewards to earn 300 r5 shards weekly from that event. We have a chat group on the Line App, and are active in war and quest. We ask that any new recruits are required to actively read the alliance chat regularly in-game for updates, log in multiple times for war and quest, adhere to the summoner advancement leveling/crystal opening rules, and interact with other members. Line group membership is nice, but definitely not required. Most of all, we just want to have fun! Alliance leadership is a group of early thirties to forties year old players committed to the alliance. Thanks for check us out [XEN11]XENONANCE, all!
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