Please be aware, there is a known issue with Saga badging when observing the AW map.
The team have found the source of the issue and will be updating with our next build.
We apologize for the inconvenience.

Active 4400+ Prestige ISO 8.5-10M+ US Alliance. Help me help you.


Currently in a 8.4M alliance & progression is slowing down. I'm searching for a higher-rated US-based alliance (preferably 8.5-10+ Mil). I'd like to challenge myself by seeking faster progression so I can make further contributions to an already well-oiled machine. I don't jump ship often, only been in 2 alliances including my current one. I don't have experience w/ Map6 but you can assess whether I'm ready thru discussion via Line. I'm only a couple of T4CC's away from taking my 5*'s to R4, but in the right ally, it can be achieved sooner than later.

    PI -268K
    PRESTIGE: 4440
    ROSTER: 2 R3 5*'s, 4 R5 & 22 R4 4*'s
    EXPERIENCE: 100% Completion of ROL, RTTL,, Bautista Challenge, Act 5.1 & 5.2.1
    AQ/AW: 55555, Ranked in top1100-1500; Tier 3/4 in war

    Line/Game ID: HEHATEME617
      VERY organized, VERY active w/ little or no turnover
      US-based Alliance (I reside on West Coast, PST zone)
      Play AQ 65555 or 55555, rank in Top 300-1000
      Play in Tier 3/4 in war



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