Let's talk about Archangel

Ok, so I duped a 3* Morales from a spidey verse and he got me the final 50 shards I needed for a new 4* crystal, and that new 4* I pulled was Archangel. Now, I haven't been lucky with his featureds, nor did I have time to do his arena, so I did not own a single version of him (prior to now). Since we have him as login this month, I thought it might be useful if someone who was lucky enough to get him prior to this can explain what is the best way to utilize him? I see he's based a lot around bleeds and poisons, does he need to be duped to be good or is he a leave as unduped but still level kinda champ like x-23 is for example? AW, AQ potential? Thanks in advance, responding tmrw because it's kinda late in my time zone.
just be aggressive, b.e. aggressive and spam his sp1. when your opponent is poisoned, drop a heavy to cause a bleed which leads to neurotoxin which is where the money is.
It actually brought into Mario first. So heavy until bleed, then heavy until poison then heavy again, ok
Did Rubert eat chocolate herd that was bad for dogs
Actually, be defensive:). That's more effective. Parry->heavy->parry->heavy and repeat. Specials if available. Why? Because of numbers.
On normal attack you have 40% chance to bleed on every crit.
Heavy on the other hand has 50% flat chance to bleed. No crit needed. And it's 3 hits.
So every heavy you can apply 3 bleeds or 3 neurotoxins for 1 poison.
The only problem is that parry->heavy all the time is really, really boring...
ROL WS took 118 hits with 5/50 AA.