New game Feature for deleting champs

Hey Kabam,
Can you implement a new game feature that requires you to input your password when selling champs. This feature could be part of the settings menu and can be turn on or off.
Can you implement a new game feature that requires you to input your password when selling champs. This feature could be part of the settings menu and can be turn on or off.
nice idea.
Like what?
Just a suggestion.
Just a suggestion.
Your iPhone has a passcode to access it, which protects all of your apps from someone picking it up and selling champs.
I'm 99% certain that is incorrect.
Yes. That's not accurate. It's been mentioned in the Old Forum that taking turns on a device is not the Account Sharing that is indicated. Having said that, if you share your device with someone, you're responsible for what they do with it. Not that I don't empathize. Kids don't understand. It's still our responsibility.
Nope man it is actually correct belive it or not
Just read the TOS
My six year old has his own account. It's literally a moment gone and then tears. So I would appreciate the feature, as a parent and consumer.
Don't mean to be a **** but that's against the tos
I get that. I understand children like to play the game, and I have no judgment for letting them play. However, the game is rated Teen, and having fail-safes for children under 9 is not pragmatic. That's my view. If children are playing that are young enough not to understand, then these things will happen. Allowing them to play is totally up to the parent, and I have no problems with that at all. It's a game, after all. However, there is also a responsibility that the parent has to take for their child. If something is deleted because a child doesn't understand, the parent has the onus.
The great and all knowing wrong again. You can share a device. That is correct. You cannot play on the same account on that device. For example you play your account log out your son logs in and plays his account on the same device.
This is not what you are asking for, but may be a solution. If you are letting a child play in your ipad for a specific app (for example: Thomas the Tank) you can make it so they cannot exit that app without a password....essentially keeping them stuck in the game.
Here is a YouTube vid about it:
Obviously this does nothing for you if you are letting your child play CoC...but this may help some people.
Forum responses: You suck at life, noob, here watch my awesome video of me beating a video game its got 40 views already