October champs

Did u like the new champs that are coming to the contest this month?
My personal opinion is i already hated Howard, now we get to have another one grrr. And even tough the Symbiote supreme design looks cool, i dont like these lame made up champs when there are many of marvels most iconic characters still missing
My personal opinion is i already hated Howard, now we get to have another one grrr. And even tough the Symbiote supreme design looks cool, i dont like these lame made up champs when there are many of marvels most iconic characters still missing
October champs 48 votes
As for Symbiote Supreme, that's a different story. I don't really like Dr Strange's animations, and SS makes them cooler. The only problem I have with him is his specials. Sp1 and sp2 are basically more venom-like Dr Strange specials, and sp3 is just Mordo's. Overall, a cool character, but one that could easily have been better.
Though to be honest with you all I kinda wished they would have added some of the other Syombites but they didn't, not much we can do about it.
Agent Anti Venom
Red Goblin!!!!!!!!!!
Scorn the cloned carnage Symbiote with cybernetics?
GotG version of Venom?
I wouldn’t even be this mad if we didn’t already HAVE a Doctor Strange Venom in VENOMVERSE!
Other VENOMVERSE additions are:
Captain America
Rocket Racoon
Black Panther
Heck give us a playable DEADPOOL POISON! The only one capable of keeping their original minds after the posions are the Symbiote host
Even Venom 2099 would have been better than what we got!
Like the above Carnage Goblin would have been EPIC! Or Anti-Venom and Agent-Anti-Venom? Yeah Anti was a permenant thing for a while but AAV was only for a little bit here and there during the Venom arc where he went from Flash back to Eddie. But then we have the Poisons who started a war on Symbiote hosts, all the Mercury team members, Mania the clone of venom… even ignoring the Venomverse alts there are a lot of real Symbiotes to use.