Artificial intelligence

J_85J_85 Member Posts: 5
edited October 2018 in Suggestions and Requests
Why is the AI so inconsistent it has gotten ridiculous to the point it's as if you arent supposed to win at all cost. Some fights mostly AW and AQ its night and day from arena the difficulty should come from the champs strengths as in abilities, and overall PI. The AI should be consistent across the board yet it's not almost as if it is used to extort money out of us and that's not right no AI should be able to block, evade, parry, and DeX EVERY attack yet in AW and AQ that happens often. You want the game to be fun then make it playable by the average person none should have to dedicate all their time and practice to become an expert to enjoy the game THATS NOT FUN. I'm looking for a fun pass time not a second job please fix the AI. And for christ sake make it fair on the specials if the computer can have all three sp bars and use special 1 3 times the so should we we should be able to mix it up just as they can.


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