Why Agent Venom Again????

mum_m2mum_m2 Member Posts: 1,776 ★★★★
Featured Arena in August 2017, Basic Arena followed in March that's fine. But do people really WANT Agent Venom???? It doesn't even follow Venom in the movie;

Here's what it should be

10/4 - Spiderman - Classic
10/11 - Venom The Duck
10/18 - Venom Pool
10/24 - Sorcerer Supreme (whoever it is)
10/31 - Venom

That's all I gotta say.


    I think Carnage will be in the Arena runs instead of VP.
  • mum_m2mum_m2 Member Posts: 1,776 ★★★★
    I think Carnage will be in the Arena runs instead of VP.

    EVEN BETTER! But point is we don't need another AV Featured Arena.
  • KpatrixKpatrix Member Posts: 1,056 ★★★
    They usually use someone related to the monthly quest as the off week featured champs.
  • dkatryldkatryl Member Posts: 672 ★★★
    Given this month has their new updates, Venom/Carnage are the obvious choices for the off-weeks.

    But I don't recall how recent they may have been up.
  • winterthurwinterthur Member Posts: 8,332 ★★★★★
    Will this make the cutoffs low? I would be happy to win this champ.
  • Frivolousz21Frivolousz21 Member Posts: 438 ★★★
    Who cares Corvus Glaive is coming.

  • phillgreenphillgreen Member Posts: 4,348 ★★★★★
    I might try for the dupe even though I have no idea what it does and don't use AV for anything.
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