Pls buff Miles Morales for the December Spiderman: into the spiderverse movie

I would really like to see a much better Miles and spidergwen more so Miles Morales, since we'll just like carnage needs a buff urgently. Like his Venomblasts should be (and are) powerful Biostings, As well as invisibility, he's spidersence are better than Spiderman and he even has super human Regen, so why isn't any of this in the Game. Would like to see my 4* 3/30 Miles be Max rank pls or what do you guys think
Skill - DD Netflix & Falcon
Mutant - Colossus & Magneto
Mystic - Juggernaut & Iron Fist
Tech - Hulkbuster & Iron Patriot
DD Netflix - Sp2 converts armor break to concussion like Luke Cage’s sp2, sp3 increases block proficiency and critical rate and damage
Falcon - Redwing reduces passive defensive abilities/buffs accuracy by 100%, bleeds reduce opponent’s attack
Colossus - Armor buffs cap special attack damage, attack increases for 10 seconds after sp1 and 20 seconds after sp2 based on health lost
Magneto - Magnetic sense (danger sense) against opponents with metal hashtags, sp3 concussion
Juggernaut - Greatly reduces opponent’s block proficiency while unstoppable, attack increases based on power, sp1 armor break
Iron Fist - Sp2 reduces defensive ability accuracy, sp3 reduces offensives ability accuracy, armor break reduces power gain
Hulkbuster - Attack scales based on armor buffs, sp3 stacks a permanent armor buff
Iron Patriot - Sp1 concussion, 50% chance for armor buffs to auto-block when between 25-75% health, attack is doubled when opponents are stunned
Sentry shouldn’t be the best champ in the game. A couple champs in this game are leagues above sentry in the comics
Not to go all comic book nerd on you but...The only champions who could defeat sentry in the comics in mcoc are hulk ( but would need to be world breaker hulk level so not happening), Iceman ( can't die and can reform anywhere but still not a real challenge), Emma Frost ( debatable what her diamond form can survive) , SW if she could control her powers, and dormamu. Sooo I'll give you SW and dormamu as a possibility but no one is leagues above sentry. He was purposely created to be op and only have void as his weakness.
phoenix should be the strongest in the game, can wipe the floor with sentry any day
Please add Karnak to your list. He seriously needs a buff. His true strike is laughable and sp1 is just 1% better than the greatest sp ever the sp1 of spidergwen. No immunities. This guy can't survive without the synergy and with synergy he's barely usable.
Karnak is decent as a 6*. His sp1 isn't meant to be used for damage, it's meant to be used for the 8.5 seconds of true strike it gives. Karnak's sp3 reduces defensive ability accuracy by 80% for 40 seconds, that's a long time for Karnak to have a high chance of shutting down evade/auto-block/aura of incineration/limbo. Karnak is one of the lesser skill champs but he's still significantly better than DD Netflix and Falcon.
Yes Sentry Is one of The Best Comic Hero
Is this A Joke Go Read Comic Sentry Is Powerful then the Phoenix Force and let me Don't Talk about Void Who's More Then Powerful Against Phoenix
Karnak is very underrated shrugs off rebuffs quicker as well and his sp2 has insane damage
Phoenix force is WAY more powerful than sentry
No Sentry is Stronger
The Phoenix doesn't come from any dimension tho
It's a cosmic entity with overwhelming abilities that bonds with any host it chooses