Ideas for fun content! Add your own ideas!

Hammerbro_64Hammerbro_64 Member Posts: 7,463 ★★★★★
edited October 2019 in Suggestions and Requests
So the contest has been feeling especially dull to me lately. All grind and no fun. The fact that there is “new” content and nothing new to earn kind of detracts from the excitement. All of the fights are the same, with the same nodes and node combinations but just with a new champion whose ability description is about as long as a car’s owners manual, which may add a slightly difficult aspect to the fight, but it’s never anything that was rewarding for winning.

I would play a ton more if there was more than just content to grind through. Fun and unique challenges. They don’t even have to be hard or have crazy rewards, just fun.

I would, for example, love a 50 fight QuickDraw quest (the One Punch April Pools node) or really a quest with any of the April Pools nodes. Those made no sense going in, but were so fun. If I could make new nodes, I would make them so they shake up the actual objective, not add a parameter on existing punch and don’t get punched stuff.

A new node: Go ham

Both champions are stun immune and gain an infinite unstoppable buff with equal attack and health. (This could be alternatively done with like 100 charges of indestructible and when all charges run out, the champion is KOed immediately. )

Something like that. It’s not unbearably difficult, but it would make people explore new possibilities in champs, like who has the fastest combo and the best multi hit specials.

So what I ask the community is to come up with more nodes that change the actual gameplay so it’s not just another restriction on who you can use or something. Maybe kabam will take notes and make some legitimately fun and interactive content.

This is meant to be constructive, so please keep it that way so kabam has a chance of actually listening.

Excited to hear your ideas!

TL;DR In order to help kabam make some fun content for us, suggest nodes that shake up the core gameplay into a weird minigame-esqe style. See the fourth para for an example.


  • CriticalgamerCriticalgamer Member Posts: 29
    im thinking if it would be easier to get catalysts by giving those selectors after every act you finish( event quests too) and to not pay gold for leveling up or ranking up
  • BabyMiikeBabyMiike Member Posts: 1,184 ★★★★
    I would remove Kabam
  • Hammerbro_64Hammerbro_64 Member Posts: 7,463 ★★★★★
    edited October 2019
    BabyMiike said:

    I would remove Kabam

    “This is meant to be constructive, so please keep it that way so kabam has a chance of actually listening.”

    im thinking if it would be easier to get catalysts by giving those selectors after every act you finish( event quests too) and to not pay gold for leveling up or ranking up

    “ help kabam make some fun content for us, suggest nodes that shake up the core gameplay into a weird minigame-esqe style. ”
    Idk where you got rewards from. This post is about gameplay.
    Cmon guys if we want change, we need to be on board with it.
  • Hammerbro_64Hammerbro_64 Member Posts: 7,463 ★★★★★
    edited October 2019
    As cute and funny as you think you are, I’m legitimately asking for us to come up with ideas.

    If we want kabam to listen to us, we need to stop taking every opportunity to criticize and do our best to make actual suggestions on how to make content fun.

    Please keep the discussion ON TOPIC so it will not be shut down.
  • TheSquish671TheSquish671 Member Posts: 2,880 ★★★★★
    Practice makes perfect:
    Attacker's ability accuracy is increased by 5% for every 10 hits on their combo meter.

    Would be fun when using scarlet witch, her sp2 damage would be insane with 4+ furies and cruelties. Bleed champs could stack quite a lot more bleeds than usual. This could be a global node and carry over to next fights

    Every 15 seconds after the start of the fight, the attacker degenerates 25% of current health over 5 seconds. The timer refreshes when the defender reaches intervals of 25% missing health.

    Not sure what to name this one, but it's basically the opposite of the vigor node. Requires more you to be more aggressive and cannot be stopped easily by heal block/reversal. As long as the opponent's health pool isn't too high, it should be manageable.

    Attacker's and defender's special attacks grant a random buff to both champions. Getting 3 of the same buffs grants the defender a regeneration buff, healing 10% health over 5 seconds, and removes the buffs. 50% increased power gain for both champions.

    Would have the same buffs as chaos node, so getting 3 same buffs is quite possible, got to kill the opponent without too many specials used

    I expect 100k 6* shards as payment kabam. lol
  • Hammerbro_64Hammerbro_64 Member Posts: 7,463 ★★★★★
    Ooh similar to your Practice Makes Perfect node, you could have a 5 Million health basic adaptoid with a node that gives the attacker 100% ability accuracy for everything. Obviously shouldn't give any rewards really since people like Domino and GP would stun lock the entire time, but it would be really cool to experiment with different champs. Like I would take my Hyperion and bring in Ronan and 3 BB to get insanely long furies and 5 per heavy with the node so I could pull some insane numbers.

    I could also see AA and CB being crazy for that fight

    Or the same fight, but buffs and passives never expire on you and debuffs never expire on them so you could stack any crazy amount of bleeds or something.
  • LibralonixLibralonix Member Posts: 229
    edited October 2019
    @Hammerbro_64 oddly I had a random thought about new game ideas myself a couple of days ago and have been meaning to post something, so thanks for the reminder!

    My idea (which may have been suggested before) is a Summoner Vs Summoner arcade style area. So basically summoners fight each other live, they dont use their own champions they pick from a list of fully ranked and maxed out 5* champions, so it's purely a test of skill challenge. All champions in the game are available to pick from.

    You could go for a 1 champion selection, or like arena for example you pick a team of 3. Then whoever has a champion left with health at the end wins bragging rights! Plus a new tab on the leaderboard would be great way to show who is top (kabam can work out the nuts and bolts of point distributions lol).

    I think it would be great to take away the RNG factor of the game and allow summoners to truly find the ultimate summoner. Everyone can play, you wont be reliant on having the right champion, it's just a bit of fun and I genuinely think pitting summoners against each other in this way would be a great addition to the game!
  • Fred_JoeityFred_Joeity Member Posts: 1,168 ★★★
    Maybe a node that automatically regens the defender to max health after each hit, with a node that ramps up your damage depending on your combo. Might just be a fun way to see how much damage you can deal in 1 hit
  • Hammerbro_64Hammerbro_64 Member Posts: 7,463 ★★★★★
    @Libralonix i doubt the servers could handle pvp fights so maybe they could have a Bluetooth local multiplayer thing that’s ur idea. Could be a separate app and just copy paste all of the champs and fighting mechanics over so there doesn’t need to be a connection to do anything. Just download the champion files, map files, and some BT 1v1 pairing software and badda bing badda boom a fun game to play with friends.

    As a way to generate any sort of revenue for kabam, they could make it so you only have access to your roster [so connected account] at max level (so if you don’t have better than a 3* Namor, you can only use a maxed out 3* Namor in the duel app). They would get money from people wanting stuff from the main game to be on duels.
  • LibralonixLibralonix Member Posts: 229
    @Hammerbro_64 I do agree it would be a strain on the servers, maybe they could do a version similar to the boss battles at comic con, where summoners fight the same boss and we can have a leaderboard for that. Personally I would love to play with maxed champions that I dont own, and like I mentioned, see how i do compared to everyone else
  • LibralonixLibralonix Member Posts: 229
    As theres so many champions available they could make it a weekly or monthly event and change the boss each time?
  • TheSquish671TheSquish671 Member Posts: 2,880 ★★★★★

    Or the same fight, but buffs and passives never expire on you and debuffs never expire on them so you could stack any crazy amount of bleeds or something.

    I would do this fight with OG thor and just stack armor breaks for that pre 12.0 damage
  • Thi101Thi101 Member Posts: 807 ★★★

    Global Threat

    A monthly event (maybe?) for the whole community, where all Summoners fight together to defeat a boss with massive health and attack

    Multiple people would be able to fight at the same time, reducing health from the boss. While you are fighting, the damage dealt by the other players appear every second on your screen summed up as direct damage to the boss’s health.
    Everyone who participated would be awarded by defeating the boss, and the players would also receive a reward based on how much damage they dealt.

    After your champion is knocked down, you have to wait 10 (maybe like 7~8 for Sigil members) seconds to join again, with a different champ.

  • Thi101Thi101 Member Posts: 807 ★★★
    edited October 2019

    Training Field

    A place in the battle realm where the only boss is a massive customizable adaptoid.

    On the pre-fight screen, you can choose his class, if he’ll play more aggressively or defensively and apply different nodes for him.

    For example: I want to know how a Invisible Woman would work against an enemy with Power Struggle and Spiked Armor node for whatever reason, so I go to the training fields, choose IW and set the nodes to the adaptoid.

    Every champion in the game would be available to be tested there, but to be fair with Kabam and the content creators, new champs would only be added after they are moved to the basic pool or once you pull them from a featured crystal or such. (Alternatively, the adaptoid would be swapped with a champion chosen, so you can practice your gameplay against that specific champion).

    And upgrade could be choosing with both champions health diminish with damage or not and stuff...
    And setting the champions rank and level, so that you can test them without spending resources...
    (this could be beneficial for players, since they can get more used to game mechanics, nodes and champions and for Kabam, who can get extra data from champion usage)
  • Hammerbro_64Hammerbro_64 Member Posts: 7,463 ★★★★★
    Thi101 said:

    Global Threat

    A monthly event (maybe?) for the whole community, where all Summoners fight together to defeat a boss with massive health and attack

    Multiple people would be able to fight at the same time, reducing health from the boss. While you are fighting, the damage dealt by the other players appear every second on your screen summed up as direct damage to the boss’s health.
    Everyone who participated would be awarded by defeating the boss, and the players would also receive a reward based on how much damage they dealt.

    After your champion is knocked down, you have to wait 10 (maybe like 7~8 for Sigil members) seconds to join again, with a different champ.

    Maybe not a live update on health being lost like within the fight, but this does seem pretty interesting. I would think they should do it based on progression title just to separate out some people so it doesn't end in like 5 min (because if the defender isn't that hard, a bunch of people would bring SL and be dropping 400 combo L2s every fifteen seconds per person.

    I like the idea, but the health would have to be like 20 Billion if they wanted it to last more than 10 min.
  • Infinite_CarnageInfinite_Carnage Member Posts: 6
    I mean instead of putting in the money and resources on making mroc...they could have spent it in adding multiplayer to this game...even if they added 1 multiplayer arena and friendly battles with friends...they're releasing a multiplayer game...instead they could've found a way to make mcoc multiplayer.
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