Offers of 3* crystal for 400 units ,when u open PHC crystal,should have one more check.

The offer of 3* crystal that comes when u open a phc crystal should have one more check to confirm the purchase, I have bought few times,when not paying attention to the screen. Those purchases I made by accident, and it's frustrating spending 400 units on 3* .
Just a suggestion if you can put one more check to confirm the purchase.
Just a suggestion if you can put one more check to confirm the purchase.
I know pay attention, but logically when u are going to do any kind of purchase there should be a confirmation system, it's not that I want something it's a system that should be in place.
Pay attention is a work around, but sometimes people do mistakes and that system protect those mistakes. It's a standard practice not a customization.
My worse nightmare is accidentally clicking one of those 3* 400 unit or tier-2 rankup 1300 unit package. The OP is right that we need some protection from these death offers. I'm surprised we don't hear about this more often with how many people claim they accidentally sold champs.
I know but sometimes u miss and I did take these offers by accident, but now if u see it's not all my fault situation, there should be a double check for purchase too, like u have in place for offer.
Well it would be cool if everyone has what they want.
For example a setting for "I do/don't want to see popups".
Or a setting for "don't show me it again" similar to the checkbox when we select a team weaker than the minimum.
Few people just go opposite, no matter what the post say, they made up their mind and just comment without thinking that a coin always has two sides.
When you don't have problem with the offer cancel notification,then why do u have issues with purchase notification, you just have to click cancel like u do for offers and have fun.
Get this straight remove the pop of for offer notification and get the purchase confirmation. I don't want to add more pop up but to safe guard my purchase, yes I need that notification.
Well If u didn't bought that doesn't mean u will not , accident happens I just hope it will not happen with u like u said , u pay attention!! Lol
That's the problem when u do something wrong u except it , I excepted that I bought that offer by mistake and opened the crystal as well, didn't thought that I should take this to support, then I thought if a notice can confirm my purchase would be good.
Google it, purchase always protect the buyer specially online purchase, even if there is a common sense,online purchase should follow the standard process and protect the purchase, that is why online purchase comes with additional confirmations.
This isn't an online purchase
Hahaha dude, @Dropfaith you were whining about wanting a pop up for starting AQ maps.
So stop being a turd, when you have had the same complaint in the path about something else.
Maybe you should of just not been stupid starting the wrong AQ quest hey?
Hypocritical fool
To me it is , this game is online game , offers comes through game so any purchase made within the game should be considered as online purchase.
"It is to me" really?
Since this is online currency it isn't the same as a real purchase
I thought u can purchase units through real currency , I can see few offers to buy units through real money.
Yeah but as soon as you buy them that is your product. So unless the deal actually cost money then it is NOT an online purchase
I still think cause I am buying with my real money and the units I spent on offers is as good as real money , units = real money. The point is to protect ur purchase and just check the images offers has a validation check before u close an offer u get notified, but when u make purchase there is none.