KABAM's Crystal Cost.

Kabam, how come a 3 to 6 featured crystal cost 300 units then a 3 to 5 one cost 300 units as well?
Shouldn't the 3 to 5 crystals cost less?
It's a great game but should't we deserve a permanent reduction for all the investment we do in this game?
Shouldn't the 3 to 5 crystals cost less?
It's a great game but should't we deserve a permanent reduction for all the investment we do in this game?
Side note I do think the cav crystals in general are of worth. I use units from arena to purchase about 4-5 cav crystals a week and I can say all of my best 5* pulls came from these crystals in last 3 months and I average at least 1 5* a week a from Cav crystals and have gotten 3 6* over 6 months which is more than I’ve gotten from normal sources(granted they were all trash).
Yep, I’m in UK so 1 Crystal costs £10 with HUGE odds to pull a 3* ( the one I have pulled more than any other) so ask yourself ‘shall I buy 5 crystals (£50)’ answer - yeah why not... BOOM 5 3* champs 😔
Then the gambler in you says ‘surely I can get me a 5/6* if I get another 5 crystals?’ (Another £50 spent) BOOM 2 3*, 2 4* and 1 5*!! Wow I got a 5* (after spending £100)
Moral to this is... question your spending habits on this game vs what you can get for that amount of money in the real world? I did and haven’t spent at all this year but did make some terrible choices prior and regret them ever since
(I’d say 4* too cause they’re also not allowed in act 6, but a crystal with only 5 and 6* maybe is too much)
Cavaliers won’t use 3* anymore (maybe eventually for a event of some sort), so what’s the point of giving them 3*???
As a general rule of thumb, try not to spend on RNG-based offers. Spending x amount week in, week out and hoping your luck will turn is only setting yourself up for more regret and disappointment. The only exception to this I can think of is the occasional 5* AG crystal, but even then try to evaluate your current needs on a case-by-case basis as they are fairly expensive.
I think currently the best offer available in game is the £5/month units daily card, and an argument could be made for the Sigil if you think you need the extra units/shards and you reckon you're gonna utilise the black market a lot. Beyond this, try to limit your spending to items with GUARANTEED value, like generic sig stones, rank-up gems, AGs - stuff that will actually help you with progressing your roster and clearing content.