Level up vs 7hour advancement event

Bigg_DoggBigg_Dogg Member Posts: 128
edited October 2019 in Strategy and Tips
Is the 7hr advancement event worth it? I'm 'assuming' it is for beginner rosters and if you are not a beginner your resources should be saved for level up event?? Jist curious on what you guys think.


  • rivetrivet Member Posts: 256
    I think if 4 star signature stone is still useful for you, then 7h event can still be worth to do, otherwise it is not really worth it unless it is at the same time as level up event. I still need 4 star signature stones but rarely doing upgrade for the 7h event anymore, My main dilemma is if I should aim to hit the last mile stone or second last mile stone in 24h level up event. I am not a vet player so take my opionion accordingly.
  • Lvernon15Lvernon15 Member Posts: 11,599 ★★★★★
    The 7hr combat events with the attack boost are the only useful ones, the other 7hr events are near worthless
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