I just Duped Iron Patriot from my 47th 5 Star Crystal (which was normally formed from Shards) 2 days ago, now yesterday I Duped him Again from my 48th 5 Star Crystal (but this one was from completing Varient 3 with a 4 Star Sentinel...). Also he was my First 5 Star Ever, and my Only Other 5 Star Tech Champion is freaking Vulture...
These days I'm only pulling diablo. Got him 1st time about a month and half ago and he's already at freaking Sig 80. Now it just scares me to open a basic 5 star crystal. This really can't be happening, out of 150 odd champs pulling a guy 5 times in succession is beyond ridiculousness. Somehow I need to break this chain lol. Going featured way for couple of months.
Also, Netflix DD