Professor X idea

Have Professor X in the game... So here's my idea
When you select him and his ability is "mind control" At the start of the fight Prof X mind controls a random character from the in game universe to fight for him...
The selection will be random... so could be good could be bad (this should include any payable champion in the game(even Kang))
if the character is defeated Prof X is also defeated.
The rank and grade of the random character scales up in line with Prof X rank but whether the character is duped or not is random.
For his dupe ability something like psionic boosts Prof X uses his mental powers to grants 20% increased ability accuracy and 20% deceased ability accuracy against opponents
Also an idea to give a 3-star version to everyone in the game as it would be rather fun as summoners would be able to play as some of the characters they don't have on their roster.
Now I know Prof X wouldn't be a viable option for AQ or AW but this is more like a fun idea for end game players so we can have a bit of fun when doing some of the easier quests we have to get though like heroic EQ.
To be honest his class would probably have to be mutant but I do think this would be irrelevant.
When you select him and his ability is "mind control" At the start of the fight Prof X mind controls a random character from the in game universe to fight for him...
The selection will be random... so could be good could be bad (this should include any payable champion in the game(even Kang))
if the character is defeated Prof X is also defeated.
The rank and grade of the random character scales up in line with Prof X rank but whether the character is duped or not is random.
For his dupe ability something like psionic boosts Prof X uses his mental powers to grants 20% increased ability accuracy and 20% deceased ability accuracy against opponents
Also an idea to give a 3-star version to everyone in the game as it would be rather fun as summoners would be able to play as some of the characters they don't have on their roster.
Now I know Prof X wouldn't be a viable option for AQ or AW but this is more like a fun idea for end game players so we can have a bit of fun when doing some of the easier quests we have to get though like heroic EQ.
To be honest his class would probably have to be mutant but I do think this would be irrelevant.
"It would be dope af if his sp3 would be him throwing his wheelchair on his opponent"
Ticket to hell please, I laughed so hard on this one
maybe he could have an additional passive to increase attack and armour if the random character is an X-man.
I like your idea but would suggest, If the Professor is duped let his duped ability be the controlled champ be duped as well.
Mind control the opponent, make the champ run into walls, or reduce his effectiveness, or fall down, get stunned...dazed just generally be a mess. Prof X could then drive into them with the chair, throw things at them...
He's in a wheelchair and has vast mental powers...he's not helpless, there are any number of canon in-universe things he can do to attack and defend.
Think regen becomes degen and swipe forward becomes swipe backward.